Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Save Power When Using the Self-Cleaning Function on Your Oven

That self-cleaning function on your oven sure is handy, isn’t it? The only problem is that it requires a large amount of energy to get the temperature of the oven high enough for the cleaning function to work.

To make this tool a little more frugal living friendly, consider planning to clean your oven after you’ve used it and, preferably, the broiler. This way, the temperature of the oven will already be warmer than if the self-cleaner had to bring the temperature all the way up from zero. If the broiler has been used, the oven is more than half way there!

It’s easy to save power. Just learn to adapt aspects of your daily routines to make them a little more conducive to frugal living.

*Photo from Flickr, courtesy of dpstyles™

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SOURCE: Home – Read entire story here.