Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Save Power & Water by Checking Your Hot Water Heater Valves

When it comes to frugal living and saving money around the house, your hot water heater is one appliance you want to ensure is always working properly. A damaged or inefficient hot water heater can literally wipe out all other household efforts to save power, as this appliance is one of the biggest energy consumers you own.

The great thing about today’s tip is that it will not only help you to save power, but also to save water. By doing quick, routine checks of the valves on your hot water tank, you can avoid costly leaks and malfunctions. If any of the valves on your tank are leaking or are not working as they should, it’s best to replace or repair them immediately; failure to do so will mean your tank isn’t working efficiently and you could be at risk of much greater property damage.

*Photo from Flickr, courtesy of mrwynd

SOURCE: Home – Read entire story here.