Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Paved Roads are Best for Frugal Living

If you’ve been working hard to get the best gas mileage possible, there’s good reason to come up with new routes that only include flat, paved roads.

Sure, it’s often the dirt or gravel roads that are the most scenic and that give us a nice break from the hustle and bustle of street lights and stop signs. But, when you drive on these unpaved surfaces, your vehicle’s engine works that much harder to turn your wheels. Driving on surfaces where it’s hard to get traction will always cost you more in gas.

So, while you don’t have to forever swear-off the scenic route for frugal living, just don’t make it a habit of driving on these rough roads every day if you can.

*Photo from Flickr, courtesy of Robin Taylor

SOURCE: Home – Read entire story here.