Credit Score & Credit Repair

Nerds Behind Credit Karma: Zack

Nerds Behind Credit Karma: Zack

Hey folks! It’s time for another edition of Nerds Behind Credit Karma. Last month, we introduced you to Craig, one of our awesome Senior Software Engineers. Today, you get to meet another Senior Software Engineer on the team: Zack!

Zack loves spending time outdoors and recently went on a backpacking trip scaling coastal mountains along the Pacific coast in Big Sur, where he was briefly trapped in a dead tree. Find out more about Zack below!

The Interview

What’s your title at Credit Karma?
Senior Software Engineer

Describe in 25 words or less what you do.
I work on the offer serving system and the framework to validate and send events to our data storage and processing pipeline.

How long have you worked at CK?
I started August of 2014, so about 9 months.

What’s your favorite thing about working at CK?
The open door policy, if something is irking me I can speak to anyone in my chain of command about it, all the way from the CEO or CTO to my immediate supervisor.

What’s your favorite snack in the CK kitchen?
Right now it’s the Quinoa chips and the peanut butter packs (you have to put them together), though whenever I can find Clif bars I grab those.

What is something your coworkers probably don’t know about you?
I was my high school’s “rally commissioner”. I was in charge of being overly spirited, planning and MC’ing the rallies in front of the whole school to get people pumped up for sporting events.

What was your worst subject in elementary school?
Art. I’ve never been very creative. Also, coloring between the lines was always a challenge.

What’s a secret (or not-so-secret) talent you have?
Confusing people about whether I am being sarcastic or not.

If you could pick any superhero power, what would it be and why?
I love eating foods of all types, so I’d want to be able to eat whatever I wanted without any ill effects. That way I can have all the ice cream or spicy food I wanted without ever getting a stomach ache or gaining weight.

What’s your best credit/money tip?
It’s never too early to start saving. Compound interest can work wonders given enough time!

Keep enjoying the outdoors, Zack, but watch out for the trees and poison oak!
– Kristin, CK Contributor

Want to meet more members of the Credit Karma team?

Meet Ezra, Jonathan, Cathy, Greg, Danielle, Jason, Andrew, Ian, Juan, Igor, Alex, Henry, Hok, Helen, Dan, Keith, Chris, Elaine, Rob, Ishan, Travis, Riley, Chelsea, Musab, Pedro, Sean Katrina, Kyle, Thomas, Alex, Priya, Dan, Riley, and Craig !

SOURCE: Credit and Personal Finance Blog – Read entire story here.