Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Keep Appliances Away from the Thermostat to Save Power

If you’re finding the heat unbearable and have been forced to use your air conditioning, be sure to make your use of this potentially costly appliance as efficient as possible. While many people know that by bumping up the temperature by one or two degrees they can save a lot of money in the long-term, they may not realize that the placement of their appliances could affect their ability to save power and their money.

If you place an appliance such as a TV next to or near your thermostat, the heat from the appliance can skew the thermostat’s reading of the temperature in your house and cause it to run the air conditioner excessively. This is a waste of money and not conducive to your frugal living efforts to save power.

Moving those appliances over, even by a foot or two, can and will make a difference.

*Photo from Flickr, courtesy of

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