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How You Can Help The Environment    

Arguably, world is right now experiencing it;s latest extinction level event, which is human induced. Since last thousands of years human beings caused extinction of large species of animals and plants. Now we are in self-distracting mode. In a way we are about to wipe out every living being on this planet. If we don’t stop what we are doing now. That is damage we are causing to our environment. Unless every one of us start playing our part, we are in irreversible path of self-annihilation. This is not my theory. Read about Holocene extinction event on Wiki. How can you help?

Saving Environment

Let’s talk about how we can do our bit. Earth will still be around after thousands of years after our death. This gradual extinction will occur over a million years. But we can leave a better place for our children if we contribute towards cleaner and greener environment. Perhaps our children could learn from us and do greater things for the planet. (See Also – 101 Ways to Save Environment)

With our planet slowly being filled with waste and regularly exploited for its currently plentiful resources, few of us realise just how much rubbish we generate on a daily basis and how this waste could be put to good use to not only benefit the earth but our economy, too. Once aware, many of us want to look at the ways in which we can try to remedy and reverse the damage inflicted on our environment.

Take a look at our tips below, from opting for paperless document delivery option, buying toner cartridges online to saving water and see how you can reduce your impact even slightly with just a few small changes.

(Related – 25 ways we can Protect environment around us)

Watch your water

Running water is often taken for granted here and in other civilised cultures – so often we use it thoughtlessly which leads to a lot of waste. Try to take a shower instead of a bath, and never leave water running unless you need to (especially when making drinks or brushing your teeth).

If you use a sprinkler system, ensure that it only comes on for certain parts of the day and isn’t running too long. Although bad weather in summer is scarce, in the winter you can set up a rain collection system to store and make use of the rainy days in an eco-friendly way. You can even flush your toilet with this water, or use it to water your garden.

Take a hike

We rely so much on our cars these days (especially with such busy demanding lifestyles) but it’s actually wonderful to take a walk and stop to take in nature once in a while.

Try to walk where possible rather than taking the car out for short journeys (weather dependent, of course!) or even try cycling to work for an eco-friendly yet efficient alternative. Walking and cycling out in the open have been shown to be good for the brain but also of course constitute exercise – so not only does this benefit the planet – it benefits you, as well.

Dispose of electronic goods responsibly

Computer and electronic devices such as televisions are much cheaper now – and there’s always a new model on the market, meaning that we are throwing away much more than we used to. Sadly, many people still throw away electronics (such as computers, mobile phones, cameras and tablets) irresponsibly and without regard for the proper guidelines.

These items are not suitable for conventional disposal for a number of very good reasons. They contain toxic substances which are hazardous not only to human beings but to the environment as a whole. When you throw away electronics without proper consideration, they can often end up in third world countries where the pollution from the dumping grounds makes people living in surrounding areas very poorly.

By using a reputable e-disposal company or taking your electronics to a trustworthy place where they can be disposed of safely and correctly, you really are doing your bit for the environment.

Recycle everything you can

Especially electronics and toxic chemicals like cleaners, lubricants, printer cartridges. From your laptop, cell phone to your car tires. All of this can be disposed off in proper recycling centers. Your trash can can’t be a place for these items.

Especially electronics, they’re so small, they could easily be mistaken as being something insignificant. In actual fact we use over a billion electronics and printer cartridges a year in Australia alone, 18 million of which end up in landfill. When they are disposed of in this way, they can leak which leads to dangerous chemicals seeping into the ground and water supplies.

There are various ways to recycle and re-purpose things that we use every day. You reuse your clothes, your glass bottles and containers, your decorative items and utensils. Ypou can reuse your yard waste. you can reuse your furniture.

(Related – Ways to reuse fruit parts)

Conserve Energy

There could be numerous options to conserve energy. Also, there are ways to rely less on conventional sources of energy. If you have money and live in California, you can buy electronics cars. You can ensure your home is energy efficient. Local utility companies can come to your home for an energy audit. They recommend various cost-effective ways to install measures that can save money in the long-term, while requiring less energy.

If possible you can think of installing Solar panels or wind turbines in your yard/roof. You can car pool to save gas cost (See Also – Ways to save money on gas). You can install energy star appliances and bulbs.

While environment protection is primary responsibility of government authorities and big corporations, we can’t deny our part. We can’t just sit aside and expect others to chip in. It’s time now to act and live a legacy for the generations to come!

Let’s play our part!

SOURCE: One Cent At A Time – Read entire story here.