How To Claim Back Your Mis-Sold PPI

With millions of people so far having claimed PPI compensation for mis sold policies it is no surprise that the scandal is regarded as the worst in UK banking history. The High Court has ruled that any policies that have been mis sold to customers must be fully refunded, with compensation added. To claim back PPI you need to have been mis sold the policy in the first place, and there are many examples of mis-selling. We have so far helped many people get back the fees they are owed, and we can help you too.


PPI – A summary

Payment protection insurance (PPI) is a form of cover that is designed to keep up the monthly payments on a loan, mortgage or any form of credit agreement in the event of incapacity to pay for reasons of redundancy, injury or severe illness. Such policies are not uncommon, but in many cases they have been mis-sold to customers.

You have a basic legal right to make a claim if your policy was mis-sold. If you have yet to claim back PPI charges yet believe you have valid claims it is recommended that you do so quickly, and you could be surprised at the amount you may be awarded.

Have I been mis-sold PPI?

There are many examples of mis selling, and among the most frequent is that in which the consumer was not advised of their right to look for the best deal on the market. Many people were not given this right, and some were led to believe that they needed to take out a policy with the lender in order to be granted the loan. Other examples where consumers have been able to claim back PPI costs include policies that were not needed (as being retired or self-employed meant you were never eligible for PPI), and occasions where there was no explanation of a policy at all. This not even knowing that PPI has been automatically, without your consent, added to your credit amount has meant many people actually have had or still have a PPI policy in place.

If you find yourself asking, have I got PPI on my loan or other borrowing, it is definitely worth looking through any paperwork you might have to find out. The average PPI refund is just under £3000.

How to Claim Back PPI Costs

HaveIGotPPI have a team of expert claims advisers who can help you claim back PPI charges and many people have so far used our claims handling expertise to make successful claims. We can provide you with a no win, no fee* deal so you do not have to pay in the event your claim is not successful, and we will make sure that you are kept up to date with progress at all times.

Remember, there may be more than one policy on which you can claim, so ensure that you check all the paperwork you have that is relevant to past and present credit agreements. Even if you do not have the paperwork, you can check your credit file to see your credit history, and see where you might have had PPI. We can help you investigate further and claim back your mis-sold PPI.

The post How To Claim Back Your Mis-Sold PPI appeared first on Getting Money Wise.

SOURCE: Getting Money Wise – Read entire story here.