Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

How I Started Getting More Freelance Jobs

freelanceI recently learned that I may be losing a major freelancing client of mine, through no fault of my own.

For the past two years, I’ve had to really limit my freelancing. Between working full-time and going to school full-time for my MPA, I just didn’t have much spare time to devote to my side hustle business.

So I kept the work that I had and took leads that came to me, but when it came to actually going out there and pursuing business? I pretty much took a break from that.

And still, I managed to earn $20K a year from my side hustle income for the past two years in a row.  I consider that a success.

Now that my master’s program will be done in less than four weeks (!), combined with losing a big client, I decided I should really start taking some time to build up my clientele and putting myself back out there.

SO I did—and in less than a week, I found myself with four new freelancing clients.

How did I start getting more freelance jobs?

I Emailed Leads

I scoured websites that may need a writer and started emailing them to offer my services. I emailed old contacts I had and told them I was on the lookout for more work. I followed up with clients who had emailed in the past, and who I –unfortunately—had to turn down at the time due to my schedule. I searched online job boards. Basically, I followed up on every lead I had and I emailed them to offer freelancing services.

I Promoted Myself

A big advantage I feel I have over some other freelancers is that I have professional writing experience, in addition to my blog. I actually worked as a reporter for a newspaper for a few years, so I have solid writing experience.

In order to distinguish myself from other freelancers, I highlight my work experience, and include my 7+ years of blogging experience. In order to start getting more freelance jobs , you have to be able to promote yourself.

I Told Everyone

In addition to following up on my own leads, I also let people know that I am accepting new clients. Similar to when I was searching for a job almost five years ago, I let everyone and their mother know that I am seeking more freelance work. Because even if that person doesn’t need a freelancer, they may hear of someone that needs a freelancer and they’ll go “Oh have you tried Erika yet? She is accepting new clients and she’s really good!”

Which leads me to…

Do You Need a Freelancer?

Hire me! I am an experienced professional writer with 7+ years of blogging experience. I do SEO content, proofreading, editing, content management, and more.

I’ve extensively covered personal finance, but also write about lifestyle topics and niche marketing as well.

Email me at newlywedsonabudget at gmail for more information on how we can work together!

The post How I Started Getting More Freelance Jobs appeared first on Newlyweds on a Budget.

SOURCE: Newlyweds on a Budget – Read entire story here.