Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

How I Get Free Cable Television (Without Equipment Or Hacks)

I’m not a fan of the current state of cable television.

It’s not because I’m some anti-television nut, not at all.

It’s not because I read a money-saving tip telling people to do so.

It’s not because I cut out all spending as a method of building wealth.

It’s actually a much simpler answer:

I don’t care for the programming.

Too many “reality” and competition shows.

Too many shows with the same premise.

And then the remakes–talk about unoriginal!

Most of it’s fake or interchangeable in my mind.

That’s why I cut the cord on cable many years ago.

And I’m not alone!

With cable and satellite television programming costing more than some car payments these days, people are looking for ways to watch their favorite shows without blowing a majority of their discretionary funds.

I can completely understand.

I laugh when I hear what some people pay for something I, for the most part, find absolutely dreadful.

Heck, I hear what my parents say they pay and even then they occasionally complain about “nothing be on”.

But I’m going to let you in on a little secret:

Hulu streaming tv

Stream Live TV With Hulu

Hulu lets you watch live TV and sports, as well as older series/movies and original content. You can even try 1 month for FREE!

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