Financial & Investment Tips

healthcare sharing ministry users, you need to see this…

So, Linda and I have been using Medi-Share as our Christian healthcare-sharing service for over 13 years now.

And while they are not perfect and not the cheapest, I recently received an email from a reader that I found to be shocking so I wanted to share…

If you know us, you know that we aren’t the type to tear down other organizations (especially Christian ones), but at the same time, you are friends, and I want to help by sharing what I wish someone would tell me.

Giving you the bullet points from her email, essentially, this reader decided to switch to Medi-Share after using Christian Healthcare Ministry and having some significant challenges.

She said:

In this insightful article, we dive deep into the world of Christian healthcare sharing, specifically our 13-year journey with Medi-Share.

“I am more impressed with Medi-Share than Christian Healthcare Ministries, which is the one I went with because … that was all I could afford.  I recently had an accident, and the bills were around $200K. With CHM, I have to negotiate lower prices with all the different branches of the large corporate hospital structure, but the lower prices are only good for 30 days, and CHM is taking, as they say, 60-70 days to pay off the debt.  I had to set up a payment plan with the air ambulance company so they would not hand me over to collections.  It’s sad and very hard to find the right corporate departments to help you in that vast hospital system. Medi-Share has agreements in place with hospitals nationwide and PPO-like arrangements with doctors. It is so much nicer. I am switching over once CHM gets all my bills paid.”

Personally, this is a big reason why we have loved Medi-Share…

because it still operates and feels like having health insurance.

I cannot even imagine having $200k in medical bills and waiting around for hundreds of members to mail me $50-$100 checks so I can pay my bills (which is how some of these smaller health-sharing ministries work).

But what she wrote next stopped me in my tracks…

“Another thing with CHM was that my friend did not know that she had to sign up for what they call Brother’s Keeper to get drug coverage.  She got leukemia, and they would not pay for the treatment that would have kept her alive for years… All that said, I wish I had gone with Medi-Share, it may cost more, but the time, tears, and aggravation I have gone through has been ridiculous.”

Summing this up

So, my intention behind sharing this isn’t to tear down CHM. There is always someone who has had a bad experience with every product, and I know some people who really like CHM.

But, what I do want you to make sure you do is to prayerfully consider what you are using and why.

When it comes to your family’s health, you probably don’t want to pick the cheapest option.

Know WHY you are picking the service you are using.

As I said, we have been Medi-Share users for over a decade now, and I agree with this reader in terms of the ease and simplicity of it, and you can read/watch a lot of what we have shared about it over the years here:

Your friend and coach,

Bob sign

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