Credit Score & Credit Repair

Don’t Play With Fire!

Don't Play With FireUsing the wrong merchant account can carry heavy costs in the credit repair industry

Have you set up an account somewhere besides CMS to take credit repair payments? If so, it’s very important to double-check that your account is set up as “Credit Repair”, and not some other generic service such as “Consulting”. Recently, we’ve had many people come to us from other providers who have shut their account down due to an internal audit or some other red flag. Once the processor reviews the account, and sees that they are a credit repair company, the account is terminated, funds are held, and processing becomes a huge headache.

Since 1997, Capital Merchant Solutions has helped over 30,000 merchants process credit card payments. For nearly ten years, we have been proud to help credit repair businesses get set up with an affordable and reliable merchant account. Our accounts are set up correctly from the start, and your business will be represented honestly and accurately. In addition, CMS works with multiple banks that accept credit repair businesses, so you can be sure you are getting competitive pricing.

Don’t play with fire by using an incorrectly set up merchant account. It can cost you dearly, and has a negative effect on the entire industry. Want to ensure that you are 100{6fac3e6a3582a964f494389deded51e5db8d7156c3a7415ff659d1ae7a1be33e} clear to process credit repair payments? Call us today if you’re not already a client, and we’ll make sure that you are good to go.

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The post Don’t Play With Fire! appeared first on Credit Repair Payments.

SOURCE: Credit Repair Payments – Read entire story here.