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Christian Investing Advice

crossWhen evaluating the Holy Bible, you are sure to discover a lot of christian investing advice. The Bible offers a multitude of lessons, parables, and instructions for just about every single facet of life. Many wonder if the Bible also offers a distinct code for safe financial investments that are also considered to be ethical. The fact of the matter is, yes, the Bible does offer teachings that have the ability to assist people generate wealth in a manner in which Jesus would respect. Each of us has the ability to invest money according to the Will of God. In this free investing guide, you will learn the top tips investing information for people of faith.

The Will of God

In order to initiate the task of investing in a manner that is consistent with the teachings of the Bible, you must first understand the Will of God:

  • In Proverbs and the Book of John, we are informed that God has a desire to make each of us rich.
  • In Corinthians, we learn that Jesus died so that each of us may experience riches.
  • In the Book of Philippians, we are told that God will supply each of us with that which we need in life.

God will Guide

When investing as a person of faith, you must know and understand that in order to reach prosperity, you will be led by God. You must follow your conscience in order to achieve wealth. Each of us has unique talents, skills, experiences, and abilities that may be used to accumulate wealth. We must indulge in God’s Word and prayer in order to hear God’s instruction on how we may achieve wealth, as individuals. The Bible is the one and only TRULY free investing guide that will assist us on our way to riches.

Investment Cycles

In studying the Bible, you will find that there are three different types of money – all of which make up the three “secrets” to achieving prosperity. Immediately following the period in which Abraham followed the Lord, God provided him with his cattle, his silver, and his gold. In this story, the cattle represents Abraham’s career. The silver represents the money that he obtained from his career, and the gold represents the investments that Abraham made. In order to invest appropriately, you must first determine the career that God intended for your life. Then, you will make the amount of money that you need to handle your financial responsibilities. In addition to this, you will have excess money. This is the money that should be used in wise, safe investments. Make your money, budget your money, invest the rest.


God wants us all to experience riches. When it comes to christian investing advice, there is quite a bit; however, safe and productive investments involve more than just taking your excess money and putting it into an investment. You must study God’s Word, pray diligently, and ponder all of the opportunities presented to you, as far as investments are concerned. The money that you invest should only be towards opportunities that are in line with God’s Will and unique plan for your life. By following the Bible, God, and your conscience, you are sure to discover investments that are in line with your unique faith-based values and religious principles. As a result of following the tips investing information contained in this free financial guide, you are sure to achieve levels of wealth that you never dreamed possible!

SOURCE: Free Money Wisdom – Read entire story here.