Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Spring Clean Your Freezer

Go through your freezer(s) this week to see what you have on hand. Then, get everything organized and worked into your meal plan, so you’ll have space to spare when all of those fresh fruits and veggies arrive. Here’s everything you need to whip your freezer into shape: Printable Freezer Inventory List Printable Freezer Labels The Shelf Life of Frozen Foods Is It Safe to Eat Freezer Burned Food? Free Meal Planners How Often Should I Defrost My Freezer? How to Defrost a Freezer How to Maintain Your Freezer Photo © Erin Huffstetler Follow on Facebook | Follow on Twitter | Follow on Pinterest

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Save on Mulch

Need to get some mulch on your garden? Save some cash by looking for ripped bags at Home Depot or Lowes. Both stores repackage their broken bags, and sell them at a discount (usually half price). They also do this with soil, sand and gravel. If you don’t see any repackaged bags, just ask where they keep them (or when they’re likely to have more). Related Reading: How to Get Free Plants Make a Soaker Hose Make Your Own Fertilizer Photo © Erin Huffstetler Follow on Facebook | Follow on Twitter | Follow on Pinterest

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

What’s on Your Yard Sale List?

Yard sale season has arrived! Before I head out, I make a detailed list of everything that I’m looking for, including sizes and any measurement or information that I’m likely to need when I’m out shopping. It helps me to stay focused and minimizes my chance for buyer’s remorse. Here’s what I’m looking for this year: Freezer jars White restaurant-grade dishware (for parties) Size 10 girls’ clothes Marshmallow roasting forks Half-sheet cookie sheets Popsicle molds Craft supplies School supplies What’s on your yard sale wish list? Related Reading: Things You Shouldn’t Buy Used Yard Sale Shopping Tips The Longest Yard Sales in the U.S. Photo © Erin Huffstetler Follow on Facebook | Follow on Twitter | Follow on Pinterest

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

The Report from the Three-Year Mark: Joan’s Mid-April Financial Update

Note: This is a post from Joan Otto, Man Vs. Debt community manager. Read more about Joan.It’s official: I’ve been tracking my debt for exactly three years.While I didn’t post my first financial update on Man Vs. Debt until a year later, I first sat down and wrote my detailed list of debts – the one you see listed on my Joan’s Finances page – on April 14, 2011.Taking inventory and facing what I owed was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but the effect it’s had since then has been nothing short of amazing.In exactly three years, we’ve paid off $33,422.83 in debt.And since I’d figured out our worst-ever total debt (as

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Business and Hustling Lessons from the WWE Network

Note: This is a post from Joan Otto, Man Vs. Debt community manager. Read more about Joan.You guys are going to think I spend my Sunday afternoons watching America’s best not-exactly-a-sport sports, between today’s post and the one from last month about 4 Personal-Finance Lessons from NASCAR!I spent THIS Sunday watching… you guessed it… WrestleMania 30, thanks to my roommate’s subscription to the WWE Network, which I admit I watch with rather startling frequency.The funny part is, while I’ve enjoyed professional wrestling since I was in high school, I’d never spent any time – or money – on it since. Until WWE Network came out in late February.And now, even more than the wrestling itself, I’

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

You Want It. You Buy It. You Forget It.

Note: This is a post from Joan Otto, Man Vs. Debt community manager. Read more about Joan.Two summers ago, while visiting an art museum in Washington, D.C., we came upon an exhibit in the process of being installed. Huge letters and swaths of red, black and white covered every square inch of wall and floor.When I saw it, I took the photo above, hoping it would serve as a reminder to go back and see the finished exhibit and revisit the phrases plastered throughout.WHOSE VALUES?FORGET EVERYTHING.YOU WANT IT. YOU BUY IT. YOU FORGET IT.And while I haven’t gotten back to see the final installation of Belief+Doubt (I hope to – it’s on display through the end of this

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Julian’s Success Story: How Going $42,000 in Debt was the Greatest Decision I’ve Ever Made

Julian Hayes II is a fitness and lifestyle coach and writer based out of Nashville, Tennessee. He is the creator of 206 Fitness. Why 206? Not only is 206 one of his nicknames, but there are also 206 bones in the body. He believes anyone can achieve the body they’ve always wanted while still living a fun and adventurous life. Read more about him and download his free ebook on how to achieve the body you’ve always wanted while owning life at and connect with him on Facebook & Twitter.I am $42,000 in debt and I’m absolutely loving life right now.Yes, you read that correctly.$42k in debt.To the majority of people, this sounds like an insanely large amount of money.Except me.Seriously,

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

The Great Pile of Unread Books

Note: This is a post from Joan Otto, Man Vs. Debt community manager. Read more about Joan.I love to read.It doesn’t really matter what it is – barring anything else handy, I’d happily read the back of a cereal box at breakfast – but since I was about 3 years old, I’ve rarely been without a pile of books in progress.In January, I set a goal on Goodreads to finish 75 books this year. I started out great – averaging almost a book a day.But life happens, and the books piled up into the stack you see above, unfinished and, in most cases, not even started!The mental drain of being “behind”Here’s the problem: I have serious issues with

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Taxing Decisions: Joan’s Mid-March Financial Update

Image courtesy of our friend PT of PT Money ( Note: This is a post from Joan Otto, Man Vs. Debt community manager. Read more about Joan.Tax season is hitting full-force here in the US! Our taxes have been done since early February, thanks to my own OCD record-keeping and our accountant’s desire to get us in and out as early as possible each year, what with our 80 streams of income and all that.But after a couple years of paying in some hefty figures around this time of year thanks to self-employment taxes and some other strangeness, this year, we are getting refunds from both state and local.Those checks hit my bank account this week, and as I

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

You Don’t Need That MBA Degree: Continuing Thoughts on Higher Education

This is a guest post by Mariana Zanetti, who earned her MBA degree from one of Europe’s top business schools and has more than 12 years of international marketing experience in three countries. She is the author of The MBA Bubble and shared this post in response to an earlier Man Vs. Debt post by Joan titled Do You Really Need That Master’s Degree? When my Harvard MBA colleague told me that I should pursue a “top” MBA program twelve years ago, I did not doubt it. “Don’t worry,” he said. “For the important things, money will not be a problem.” So I applied, I was admitted, and I enrolled in the MBA program at one of the top European business

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

4 Personal-Finance Lessons From NASCAR

Note: This is a post from Joan Otto, Man Vs. Debt community manager. Read more about Joan.For those of you who didn’t spend Sunday watching the Daytona 500 – and bemoaning its 6.5-hour rain delay and multiple 8-car-plus crashes – well… you have my sympathy. (And my apologies, because you probably aren’t going to like today’s post if you’re not a NASCAR fan!)I’ve been an auto-racing fan since high school. I grew up going to local dirt tracks, and a NASCAR race was the first professional sporting event I ever attended.So while spending Sunday trying to watch the race AND get some work done, it occurred to me I could multitask… and share some personal-finance advice for

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