Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Woman Hospitalized After Bite From Black Widow Spider Hiding In Grapes From The Supermarket

(frankieleon)Just because we’ve heard of people finding black widow spiders in their grapes doesn’t make it any less icky this time around: A Vermont woman was reportedly hospitalized after a stowaway arachnid hiding in her produce bit her. The woman bought the grapes at a Shaw’s supermarket in Massachusetts, reports WPTZ. Her mother says that when she reached her hand into the bag of fruit, the spider crawled up her daughter’s arm and took a bite. They were able to catch the spider, bringing it along with them to the hospital. A nurse confirmed to WPTZ that the spider had been identified correctly. A representative from Shaw’s Public Affairs office issued a statement regarding the incident, saying that the the health and

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

FCC Proposes Giving Consumers Right To Block Telemarketing Calls & Texts

(Dan Coulter)You know what’s not awesome? Answering your phone only to be greeted by a prerecorded robocall telemarketing message. Even a decade after the establishment of the Do Not Call registry and rules banning certain types of robocalls, unwanted calls and messages still top the list of complaints to the FCC each year. Today, FCC Chair Tom Wheeler proposed closing some additional loopholes in order to cut down on these annoying intrusions. The newest protection that could be available to consumers is the ability to tell their phone company — wireless or landline — that they revoke their consent to receive these calls. The rule would also give telecom providers the green light to introduce ‘Do Not Disturb’ technology that consumers could use to stop unwanted

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Taco Bell Confirms It’s Testing Delivery Near College Campuses Because Obviously

(kenfagerdotcom)When the folks at Taco Bell sat down to think about where they could find a population likely to want fast food Mexican fare delivered to their doorsteps, they likely didn’t have to work that one out for very long. After earlier reports that the chain might be testing delivery, Taco Bell confirms it’s trying things out in certain likely areas, namely college campuses. With dorm room upon dorm room and crappy apartment/house upon crappy apartment/house potentially sheltering hungry, young people who stay up late, places of higher learning seem to be a natural fit for Taco Bell. Heck, we had Taco Bell delivery in college but it was bribing that guy down the hall with beer so he’d run over at 4

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Could Takata’s Replacement Airbags Be Just As Dangerous?

(I Am Rob) Generally when consumers take their vehicles to a dealer for a recall remedy, they leave with the peace of mind that the potential safety issue has been fixed. That may not end up being the case for more than 34 million recently recalled vehicles equipped with Takata airbags, as the parts manufacturer, automakers and federal regulators struggle to determine why the safety devices have the tendency to spew pieces of shrapnel upon deployment. Reuters, citing industry insiders, reports that because no definitive reason has been identified for the airbag’s explosive proclivity – which has been linked to six deaths and 105 injuries – there is no way to know for certain that new replacement airbags won’t need to be replaced themselves one day. If

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

5 Ways to Squeeze More Out of Your Budget

If you’re serious about digging your way out of debt, then you absolutely need to budget your monthly expenses. Once you have a budget set up, then it’s all about how you can squeeze more out of your budget so that you can throw more and more money at those debts to ultimately become debt free! While you might think that you aren’t spending that much money from month to month, chances are that your monthly bills could be a lot lower if you would just look at them and question whether or not they could be cheaper.My Budget ReviewThis is exactly what I did when I was striving to pay off my house. I knew that in order to pull off my

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Best Personal Finance Posts and Website Growth

After reading dozens of posts this past week, I have saved the best for you, my faithful readers. Have a look and enjoy four of the top articles that I have read this week:3 Weeks After Quitting My Job – by Living A FI – This guy has officially saved enough to quit his job and become completely financially independent. And, his wife will quit her job in the summer. This is an amazing accomplishment and makes for some fascinating reading.What I’m Teaching My Son About Money – by Mr. Money Mustache – MMM and his family spend a total of $25,000 a year and live solely off their investments. His son, who is 9 years old, has a growing curiosity about why his friends’ parents

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Becoming Wealthy or Being Cheap? Or Both?

Are you taking actions toward becoming wealthy or are you actually just being cheap, likely never to get truly wealthy? And what’s the real difference? As Ramit Sethi often talks about on his blog, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, cutting out a few expenses is not going to dramatically change your financial future. In fact, if you ordered a tall latte every day before work for a year, it would cost you about $1,000. That sounds like a lot of money, but what if, during that same year, you started a side business that generated an additional $10,000 in profits?As my nifty graph shows above, the difference maker was not those negative lattes, it was the positive business income. Becoming wealthy is often

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

What is Forex Trading? What Are the Pros and Cons?

Have you ever heard of Forex trading before? It goes by other names as well: FX trading, foreign exchange trading, or just plain currency trading. At its most basic form, Forex trading is simply trading one currency against another in the hopes that your purchased currency will become stronger, meaning that you can purchase more goods (or another currency) with the money.So let’s say that you thought the United States’ Dollar was going to become weaker when compared to the Euro. To take action on this hunch, all you would have to do is hop onto a foreign exchange trading site and purchase a number of Euros. Then, you would just sit back and wait to see what the exchange became between the two currencies. If

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Underpaid? It’s Time To Leave; Why Job Hopping Isn’t So Bad

Ever since millennials began entering the workforce, media outlets have perpetuated the story of employers not knowing what to do with job-hopping millennials. Apparently, we’ve gotten a bad rap for not sticking around our jobs long enough. There’s only one problem with this story: according to a recently published article on FiveThirtyEight, the job hopping story is misleading. First, younger workers have always changed jobs more often than older workers. In fact, the turnover of millennial workers today is the same as it was for 20-somethings in the 80s. Second, today’s 20-somethings change jobs less frequently than 20-somethings in the 90s, according to statistics from the Department of Labor,  The reality is: In your twenties, job hopping isn’t bad; it’s normal. In fact,

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Your Employer Wants To Check Your Credit; Now What?

There is more than one reason to be conscientious about your credit history. Prospective employers can — and often will — check your credit report during a job application. When an employer runs a background check, it’s both an effort to cover the company’s backside and stalk you a little bit before they hire you. It’s no different than when you Google a prospective date to ensure he/she is not an escaped murderer. Even though it’s understandable a company would verify job applicants’ criminal histories, does an employer have any business running credit checks on potential employees? And could a charged off account or a few years of lackadaisical bill payments after college prevent you from landing your dream job? Here’s

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

The 2015 Millennial Money Survey: How Much Do 20-somethings Earn And Save?

How much does the average 20-something save? What are other 20-somethings earning? How are YOU doing financially compared to other young adults your age? Wonder no more. Here are the results of Money Under 30’s second annual Millennial Money Report in which we take a look at the state of 20-somethings’ finances in the United States. We conducted an online poll of 253 Americans between the ages of 21 and 29. Respondents were invited from a broad Internet audience – not just Money Under 30 readers, who tend to be a bit more money savvy than average. (You can pat yourself on the back for that!) Today’s 20-somethings remain financially optimistic, despite current struggles. We asked respondents three questions about their present finances and their outlook on the future.

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