Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Bumper Crop of Zucchini? These Frugal Recipes will do the Trick

Zucchini is a tasty and nutritious food and what’s amazing about it from a frugal living perspective is that it often grows in abundance in people’s backyard gardens.

If, however, you find yourself struggling to use up all of the zucchini, give some of these frugal recipes a try:

Baking: of course, there are the old favourites zucchini bread, muffins, cakes and even brownies

Dips: in a bowl of Greek yogurt or slightly softened cream cheese, add some grated zucchini and garlic for an easy yet tasty veggie dip

Sneak it into other foods: this is a great idea if you have picky eaters and struggle to get them to eat vegetables. Simply grate zucchini into your pasta sauces, soups and stews, add even pancake batter.

Fry it up: zucchini fritters are easy to make and taste divine. Just grate the zucchini, squeeze out the excess water, and add it to one beaten egg, some salt and pepper and either a few tablespoons of flour or cornmeal (add more or less flour/cornmeal, depending on the amount of zucchini—you want a pourable consistency). Mix it all together and fry in oil in tablespoon-sized clusters. Great with dips!

Salads: zucchini can be the star ingredient in simple yet delicious salads. Simply grate and mix with a simple olive oil, lemon and salt and pepper dressing.

Don’t let this summertime delight go to waste. Use it while it’s fresh in some of these frugal living recipes.

*Photo from Flickr, courtesy of EverJean

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