Credit Score & Credit Repair

Balance Transfer Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid

Recent studies reveal Americans collectively owe more than $1 trillion in credit card debt. Credit card debt can seem overwhelming, especially for those facing high interest rates. Some consumers use balance transfer cards to help them overcome this debt by reducing their interest rates—at least for a set period. Before choosing this option, it’s important to understand how these credit cards work and how to transfer a credit card balance.

This article digs deeper into the topic of balance transfer credit cards, how they work, and how to determine if this is the right option for you.

What Are Balance Transfer Cards?

Balance transfer cards are a type of credit card that includes a special offer for those wishing to transfer their current credit card balance. For example, the credit card might include a special 0% APR rate during the introductory period, which typically lasts anywhere from six to 18 months.

Let’s say you have a $4,000 balance on your current credit card. Once approved, you transfer this balance to a new balance transfer card with a 12-month APR. This allows you to work toward paying down your debt for a year without worrying about incurring more interest.

How to Transfer Credit Card Balance

Before you can transfer your credit card balance to a new card, you must first be approved for a balance transfer credit card. As with all credit cards, the lender checks your credit history and credit score when determining approval. Typically, you must have good or excellent credit to get a balance transfer credit card.

Once you’re approved for the credit card, you can transfer your balance almost immediately. There are three common ways to transfer your balance:

  • By phone. After receiving your card, you can contact your credit card company directly. Be sure to have all the necessary information about the card you want to transfer the balance from as well as your new account information. Customer service agents should be able to help you with the process and answer any questions you may have.
  • Online. Most credit card companies have an online app that allows you to handle many transactions instantly, including transferring balances. It’s likely your credit card offers these services, making it easy for you to transfer your balance as soon as you receive your new credit card.
  • Convenience checks. Many balance transfer credit cards provide new cardholders with convenience checks to make the transfer process as seamless as possible. If you have these checks, you can use them to pay off your current credit card and the amount will automatically transfer to your new card. Be careful—these checks can come with additional fees and may be treated as a cash advance rather than a balance transfer. Always read the terms and conditions before using these checks.

Keep in mind that you may incur a one-time balance transfer fee for making this transfer. Reading the terms and conditions of your credit card can help you better understand these fees.

Is a Balance Transfer Card Right for You?

There are several reasons obtaining a balance transfer card may be the right option for you, such as:

Tips for Making the Most of Your Balance Transfer Card

Using balance transfer credit cards correctly helps you get the most out of them. Here are some tips for maximizing those benefits:

Mistakes to Avoid When Using Balance Transfer Cards

There are some negative aspects to balance transfer cards, especially if you don’t know how to transfer a credit card balance or how these cards work. Without this understanding, these types of cards might end up costing you more in fees. Below is a look at some common mistakes you want to avoid when using balance transfer cards.

Can You Do a Balance Transfer Twice?

It’s possible to transfer your credit card balance twice. First, you must qualify for another balance transfer credit card. If you qualify, you may be able to stretch out the time you have to pay off your debt interest-free.

Keep in mind that most credit cards charge a balance transfer fee. Be sure to compare these costs before getting another car.

The Bottom Line on Balance Transfers

Balance transfer credit cards can be a good option for those facing high interest rates or who want to pay down their debt faster. The first step is to check your credit with’s Free Credit Report Card to see what type of card you may qualify for. If you’re not quite ready for a balance transfer credit card, you can get a credit building card first. Over time, you can work toward building your credit score so you can qualify for a balance transfer card.

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