Author: Shayne Tilley

New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Blog Metrics: Why You Need to Stop Focusing on ‘Vanity’ Stats

The post Blog Metrics: Why You Need to Stop Focusing on ‘Vanity’ Stats appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by olieman.eth on Unsplash While having lots of page views, sessions, fans, followers and even email subscribers may feel good, they don’t actually tell you anything about the health of your blog. At a previous ProBlogger Mastermind, I shared a slide that seemed to hit a nerve with the group. I included this in my Mastermind session after having several conversations with bloggers that all started something like this: “Traffic is growing, and so is my social following and email list. But I’m not making any money”. For many, the monetization emptiness came from focusing on certain results and metrics (such as those I just

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