Author: Khaleef Crumbley

Financial & Investment Tips

5 Reasons Why You Need a Budget!

If I asked you to tell me how much you spend eating out or buying gas each month, could you tell me? What about your household’s true cost of living? This is the most basic reason you need a budget: To be able to plan and track where your money goes! Most people who I speak to about their finances have no clue how much they spend on a monthly basis. All they know is that by the end of the month, their bank accounts are nearly empty and they are waiting for their next paycheck. Even if you don’t find yourself scraping together pennies at the end of the month, you still need to have a budget in place. In order to take control

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Financial & Investment Tips

3 Ways to Honor the Lord with Your Wealth

There is clear instruction to honor the Lord with your wealth in the scriptures. In Proverbs 3:9-10 we find this command: “Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first of all your produce; so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine.” In our finances, we are expected to give our BEST and FIRST to God! God commanded the nation of Israel saying, “You shall bring the choice first fruits of your soil into the house of the Lord your God” (Exodus 23:19a) and when detailing the offerings that went toward supporting the priests He says, “You shall give him the first fruits of your grain, your new wine, and your oil, and the first

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Financial & Investment Tips

Setting Our Goals Based On God’s Word

Since we are at the beginning of a new year, many of us will take the time to reflect on the past year to look on our accomplishments and failures, as well as make plans and set goals for the next year. For the Christian however, we must not only consider the goal but we must look at what motivates us. Setting Our Goals Based On God’s Word The Bible makes it clear that it is not enough to think about what we do, but we are to think about who we are – our character, our desires, and our passions. God is much more interested in who we are than what we do; because who we are should ultimately control our actions. Many times when

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Financial & Investment Tips

7 Ways Single Parents Can Save Money

Raising children is expensive and when you’re a single parent, it can seem downright impossible. Figuring out how to pay your bills while still ensuring that your child’s (or children’s) needs are met can be difficult. It is possible with a bit of planning. You can pay your bills, take care of your kids and still have some money left over at the end of the month. Here are 7 ways in which you can save money. Create a Budget If you have no idea how much of your money is going where every month, your spending can quickly get out of hand. Sit down and create a monthly budget. Figure out how much you pay for fixed expenditures (such as rent and car insurance) and how much

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Financial & Investment Tips

Reverse Mortgage FAQs

As more and more people are choosing reverse mortgages, there are several questions which come up.  While many of these questions will be specific to your case, there are others which apply to almost every reverse mortgage application out there.  With that in mind, here are the more important reverse mortgage faqs you should ask. Reverse Mortgage Faqs 1) What a Reverse Mortgage? Reverse mortgages are loans for seniors which allow them to tap into the equity they have built up in their homes.  Unlike traditional mortgages or home equity lines, the borrower does not need to make a monthly payment.  Instead, all they need to do is to pay the property taxes, insurance, and utility costs for the home. Another condition of a reverse mortgage is

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Financial & Investment Tips

4 Creative Ways of Financing Your Startup

Every time I run into an old acquaintance or even look on social media, I see someone else who has decided to start a business. There are around 1 million people every year who decide to take their skills, talents, and passions and jump into the scary world of entrepreneurship. If you find yourself becoming a part-time or full-time business owner, you may find yourself in need of financing. The Necessity of Financing Your Startup Not everyone who starts a business will need to raise a lot of capital before getting started. For some, the nature & structure of the business will mean that little investment is needed – many people are able to “set up shop” virtually and use profits to fuel growth. However,

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