Author: Guest Blogger

New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

How to Turn Your Business Blog Readers Into Paying Customers

The post How to Turn Your Business Blog Readers Into Paying Customers appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash This is a guest contribution from Alicia Rades. You started a blog for your business because you recognized the importance of content marketing. You know that businesses that blog get more traffic than those that don’t. But more traffic doesn’t necessarily mean more customers. You have to be able to leverage your blog content in a way that convinces readers to trust you and buy from you. So how do you get readers to pay for your product or service? Start with these five tactics you can use in your blog posts today. 1. Weave Testimonials Into Your Content People are naturally skeptical when businesses talk

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

5 Mistakes Bloggers are Making with Online Courses

The post 5 Mistakes Bloggers are Making with Online Courses appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash By ProBlogger expert Sam Nordberg. Online courses are the hottest thing right now. Everyone seems to be launching their own course, and looking for ways to make what they believe is “passive income” – but here are five of the biggest makes people are making with their online courses right now: 1. Not thinking about who they are writing for When you are creating a course, you need to think really carefully about the end user. Who are they? How much do they know already? What do they want the outcome to be? How do they want to consume the information? If you really want people to learn from

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

How I Turned One Blog Post Into a 7-Figure Business (And How You Can Capitalize on Going Viral)

The post How I Turned One Blog Post Into a 7-Figure Business (And How You Can Capitalize on Going Viral) appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash In 2013, I experienced a writer’s dream come true. My blog post, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, went viral. And not just a little viral, it went mega-viral. It was read by millions of people in a matter of days. And then picked it up and it reached more than 10 million more readers. Within a week, national radio shows were about talking my article. Major publications were asking to reprint it. News channels were calling to interview me. And if that weren’t enough, in the midst of the viral superstorm, a literary agent called

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