Author: Darren Rowse

New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Seasonal Traffic and How to Capture It for Your Blog

The post Seasonal Traffic and How to Capture It for Your Blog appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash Don’t Miss Seasonal Opportunities on Your Blog for Spectacular Traffic. Read to the bottom of this post for an example of how I used the same content three times in 18 months to generate 50,000 page views on one post. One of the skills that I encourage bloggers to develop is to think ahead about what events might be coming up that will impact the niche that you’re writing about. The web is a fairly rhythmic place and every year there are waves of activity across search engines and other websites that are quite predictable. For example: In November and December every year millions of

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

5 Questions to Ask Before Quitting Your Blog

The post 5 Questions to Ask Before Quitting Your Blog appeared first on ProBlogger.  This post is based on episode 90 of the ProBlogger podcast. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve talked about two of the most important things you’ll ever do as an entrepreneur: starting, which is all about acting on your ideas rather than just thinking about them persisting, which is all about not giving up when things get tough. Unfortunately, not every idea you have will be a success, no matter how long you try to make it work. And so I’d like to wrap up this little series by talking about when you might be better off quitting. Digging in the wrong spot In last week’s post I told you about the Cavanagh brothers,

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Why You Should Keep Going with Your Blog

The post Why You Should Keep Going with Your Blog appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 89 of the ProBlogger podcast. Last week I talked about ‘starting’, and why it’s the most important thing you’ll ever do as an entrepreneur. This week I’m going to talk about the second most important thing you’ll ever do as an entrepreneur. And like so many of life’s lessons, there’s a story that captures the idea perfectly. But this story isn’t mine. It’s actually one I came across while researching a project in high school. But it’s one that really resonated with me, and I hope you’ll find it just as useful. A tale of two brothers The year was 1851, and the Cavanagh brothers stood by a bend

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Why You Need to Make ‘Starting’ a Mindset

The post Why You Need to Make ‘Starting’ a Mindset appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 88 of the ProBlogger podcast. Whereabouts are you on your blogging journey? You may be the very beginning of your journey, and getting ready to create your first blog post. You might be a little further along, and thinking of taking the next step – a second blog perhaps, or maybe a podcast. You might be thinking of launching a course to teach others what you know, or perhaps putting all that knowledge in an eBook and selling it. Whatever stage you’re at, there’s one thing you can do that will take you further on your journey as an entrepreneur than anything else. Start. A blogger’s journey

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

8 Effective Ways to Wrap up Your Blog Posts

The post 8 Effective Ways to Wrap up Your Blog Posts appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 56 of the ProBlogger podcast. You’ve said everything you wanted to say in your post, and now it’s time to quickly wrap things up so you can hit ‘Publish’. Sound familiar? If it does, then you’re missing out on an opportunity to do even more for your readers—and yourself. Here are eight effective ways to wrap up your blog posts and get as much out of those final paragraphs as possible. 1. Sum up your message Remember the English essays you wrote in high school? Chances are you finished each one them with a summary of what you’d written about. So why not do the same with your blog

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

7 Productivity Tips for Bloggers

The post 7 Productivity Tips for Bloggers appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 40 of the ProBlogger podcast. Are you using your time productively? Chances are you’ve set yourself some goals as to what you’d like your blogging to be. But reaching that point is going to take time. And the less productive you are with the time you have, the longer it will take to reach those goals. So this week I’m sharing seven tips I’ve developed over the years that have helped me become more productive. But first, I want to talk a little about why I needed them. Showing some personality For those of you who know about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicators, I’m INFP. That means I’m introverted, intuitive, feeling and

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Face Your Fears and Become a Better Blogger

The post Face Your Fears and Become a Better Blogger appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 54 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week I want to talk about fear. Not about eliminating it or ignoring it, but rather about recognising, harnessing and overcoming it so you can use it to your advantage. Whether you’re a blogger, podcaster, live streamer or social media user, chances are fear has held you back at some point. Here are some of the most common fears I’ve heard over the years: “What if nobody reads it?” “What if I hurt someone with what I write?” “What if I don’t write as well as I think I do?” “What if people laugh?” “What if I say

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

13 Tips for Building Authority and Influence

The post 13 Tips for Building Authority and Influence appeared first on ProBlogger. This blog post is based on episode 235 of the ProBlogger podcast. Starting a new blog can be a bit of an uphill battle. You need to create lots of content, and then use that content to bring traffic to your site. But what’s even tougher is building authority and influence in your niche. After all, why would people believe you’re an authority in your niche when you’ve barely talked about it? Sure, you may know a lot about your chosen niche. But talking about how much you know and what you’ve achieved doesn’t seem to cut it anymore. These days anyone can call themselves an expert, and so people expect

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

The Best Way to Brand Your Blog

The post The Best Way to Brand <em>Your</em> Blog appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 206 of the ProBlogger podcast. So you’re about to start a new blog. It might be first, or it might be one you’re setting up to try something new. And you’re just about to buy the domain name for it. But now you’re hesitating, because you still haven’t decided whether your new blog should have a personal brand or a business brand. Sound familiar? Even if you already have the domain name, you may still be wondering which way to go. Just because you have a business-related URL doesn’t mean you can’t give it a personal brand, and vice versa. So this week I want

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

The Secret to Writing Effective Sales Copy

The post The Secret to Writing Effective Sales Copy appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 105 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week I want to talk about writing sales copy. Now chances are you’d much rather write a blog post than try and sell something. You may have even become a blogger so you can avoid writing sales copy. But it’s an important skill to have, especially if you plan on monetizing your blog by selling products or services. And I’m going to talk through a little exercise that will get you in the right frame of mind for writing it. Selling without the sleaze If the idea of selling makes you feel sleazy, you’re not alone. At one point I worked in sales

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

7 Habits of Lucky Entrepreneurs

The post 7 Habits of Lucky Entrepreneurs appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 45 of the ProBlogger podcast. How many times have you heard or read about an entrepreneur’s latest opportunity and thought, How lucky were they? And yes, in some instances it may well have been luck that gave them that opportunity. A simple case of being in the right place at the right time, and all the planets coming into alignment. But while some people believe luck is random or based on personality, I believe you can increase the chances of lucky things happening to you by creating conscious habits. And today I want to talk about some habits you can develop to grow your own luck as a blogger and entrepreneur. My

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