Author: Darren Rowse

New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Are these Mindsets Holding You Back from Achieving Blogging Success?

The post Are these Mindsets Holding You Back from Achieving Blogging Success? appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Matthew Hamilton on Unsplash “What’s the biggest mistake you see aspiring bloggers making?” This is a question I’m asked a fair bit on panels or in interviews, and it’s one that I suspect the people asking the question would like a technical answer to. The reality is that the biggest mistakes I see bloggers making are usually things that are going on in their minds, rather than on their blogs. Your mindset and attitude is as important more important than which blog platform you choose, your blog’s design, or how many posts you make a day. There are two very common mindsets that

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

How to Use Numbers Effectively in Your Blog Posts

The post How to Use Numbers Effectively in Your Blog Posts appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Nick Hillier on Unsplash You’re a blogger, so hopefully you feel confident working with words. But words alone aren’t enough. Even if you haven’t been blogging for long (or are yet to start), you’ve probably noticed numbers coming up a lot in other people’s posts. You often find numbers in post titles such as: How I Made over $500,000 with the Amazon Affiliate Program (ProBlogger) Marketing Doesn’t Have to Be Sleazy: 5 Real-World Examples (Copyblogger) $453k in 33 Days: A Guide to Launching on Kickstarter – Guest Post by John Lee Dumas (Smart Passive Income) Even if they don’t appear in the post’s title of the post, numbers can be

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Why Nobody Reads Your Content and What to do About it

The post Why Nobody Reads Your Content and What to do About it appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Brands&People on Unsplash Question: How do people read online? Answer: They don’t read, they scan. In research on how people read websites it’s been found that 79{6f482cd57796f86e9ad1be82bcf1dcf19049bb2b279893497447a8f8ed9023fd} of users first scanned any new page they came across and only 16{6f482cd57796f86e9ad1be82bcf1dcf19049bb2b279893497447a8f8ed9023fd} read word-by-word. Knowing this, how should bloggers who want to reach an audience and communicate effectively write? Why do people scan? Chances are that not everyone who comes across your blog will already be a devoted reader. These new visitors want to find out quickly whether reading what you’ve written is a worthwhile investment of their time. Studies have also shown that

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

11 Tips to Create a Personal Connection with Your Audience

The post 11 Tips to Create a Personal Connection with Your Audience appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash Have you ever experienced being very connected to a blogger? For me, there’s been several times over the years where it’s felt like a blogger is talking directly to me through their writing and/or podcasting. Some content creators just seem to have that sense of who is on the other side of their content and the ability to draw their reader/listener/viewer into (almost) a conversation in the way that they communicate. A personal example of this is a podcaster called Rob Bell, who every time I listen to him, it feels like he is directly talking to me. This is probably because he

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

How to Build a Blog that Has Lasting Impact Upon Its Readers

The post How to Build a Blog that Has Lasting Impact Upon Its Readers appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Kristian Angelo on Unsplash If you want to have a blog that makes a difference in the lives of those who read it, I would highly recommend getting clarity around these three simple (yet powerful) questions: Who are your readers? What do they need? How will they change as a result of reading your blog? Previously I wrote very briefly about these questions and suggested that they might be a great way to come up with a purpose statement for a blog. Since that time I’ve had conversations with four ProBlogger readers who took these questions and applied them to their own blogs – and in

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

How to Be a Purple Cow Blogger

The post How to Be a Purple Cow Blogger appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Daniel Quiceno M on Unsplash One of the common mistakes that I see in many blogs is that they are quite simply unremarkable. We’ve all seen seen these blogs – (and most of us if we’re honest will admit to having written them at some point) – they are the blogs you look at for a few seconds without actually seeing anything before you surf on to some other site. Blog readers only stay on any given post for an average of 96 seconds. Its not long! So you’ve only got just over one and a half minutes to make an impression – to do something remarkable that will rock

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

11 Ways to Create More Compelling Content for Your Blog

The post 11 Ways to Create More Compelling Content for Your Blog appeared first on ProBlogger. Today I wanted to share some tips on how you can make your content more compelling, whether it’s written, video or audio content. I’m mixing things up and testing out my new camera to create some video content for the blog. For those of you interested in the production aspects of this video . . . I’m happy with the visual aspects of the video considering it was shot with only the light of a window beside me (and the light changed over the 10 minutes of the video). I need to pick up a microphone as this audio is straight from the camera and will in future consider some extra lighting. The

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Seven Types of Product You Could Sell From Your Blog

The post Seven Types of Product You Could Sell From Your Blog appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Elizabeth Villalta on Unsplash It took me nearly seven years of blogging to create my first products: two ebooks, one for ProBlogger and one for Digital Photography School. They made me more than $160,000 in 2009 alone and changed my business. Back in 2014, I wrote about the experience, and how it nearly never happened: My big issue was a severe lack of time. Between juggling two growing blogs and a growing family (we had just had our first child), I wasn’t sure how I’d ever write an eBook. I also had a long long list of other excuses to put it off. I’d never written, designed, marketed a product of

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

How to Go Beyond Blogging and Harness Multi-Channel Marketing

The post How to Go Beyond Blogging and Harness Multi-Channel Marketing appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Timo Volz on Unsplash Scrupulous readers should have noticed that blogging is not just about writing and getting their opinions, rants and random stuff online. In fact, a blog is just a tool for publishing and conversing online. Every opportunity to enhance communication and reach out through various media should not be taken lightly. As part of the online marketing mix, blogging plays a significant role because right now much of the marketing effort still revolves around driving people to your web site. When you want your prospects to buy something, you want them to visit your site and proceed to the order / payment page. If you want them

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Giving Underperforming Posts a Second Chance with Updates

The post Giving Underperforming Posts a Second Chance with Updates appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Jeffrey F Lin on Unsplash If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again…. Have you ever written a post that you thought would hit the spot with your readers, generate lots of interest and/or stimulate a great conversation and then find it fell flat on it’s face? I have – in fact it happens all the time for a variety of reasons: Sometimes your posts fall over because other stories break in the blogosphere and hog all the attention Perhaps you just had some bad luck and the right influential blogger didn’t happen to see your post (and spread the word) At other times its because

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

6 Reasons Your Blog Traffic Might Be Declining [And What to Do About It]

The post 6 Reasons Your Blog Traffic Might Be Declining [And What to Do About It] appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Luismi Sánchez on Unsplash I’ve read a few comments here on Problogger from bloggers who are feeling low because they’ve noticed a plateau or even a decrease in the traffic coming to their blog. While we all want to see our traffic rise the reality is that every blog has days, weeks and even months where traffic levels out or even decreases. This can be quite distressing for bloggers who have big hopes and dreams for their blogs. Today I’d like to look at some of the reasons a blog’s traffic might decrease and suggest some ways forward for each of them. 1.

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