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An Investopedia Repost About Lockouts and Such

From our Investopedia files, a piece about sports labor strife. Which doesn’t pertain to your life unless you’re an athlete, an agent, or maybe a team owner, but it’s an entertaining read. Trust us, we wrote it. Here’s an enticing sample:

By 2011, pro football had metamorphosed from popular sport into national obsession. That spring, the NFL’s collective bargaining agreement had expired. The owners attempted to implement some draconian new measures, including an extended season (two additional chances to suffer a career-ending injury!) and a tight salary cap for rookies. The union decertified, several players filed an antitrust suit, and the league locked them and their teammates out. Within a month, a judge invalidated the lockout. By late July both sides agreed to a new collective bargaining agreement, too late to save the first exhibition game, but guaranteeing a decade of labor peace.

Full version here. Enjoy. runs on the Genesis Framework

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