Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

About my Level Card (Zable) Debt 1 of 12

First of all, apologies that there haven’t been any updates here in a long time about my debts. I have been busy trying to get back all of the old content. I have recovered most of it now, so you can see the complete picture of my journey with debt.

Today I am writing about Debt 1 of 12 which is a Debt I owe to Level Card (Now Zable). This account is not in default, in fact Zable were the fairest lender of the 12 I owe money to. When I said I couldn’t pay my contracted amount, they helped. They haven’t jumped to a default and gave me long enough to get my stuff together and work out how I was going to pay them to the point that this account is like any normal account.

This does mean the account is charging interest unlike my others, but my others all ended up in default. True this one could have and that might be better, but it is still a bit of good data flowing to my credit report whilst I pay the account down.

The balance is around £920 at the moment, and we are looking at around three to four years before I clear this in full. This is the least interesting of my debts because nothing has really happened with it.

This account is a Credit Card by the way, I don’t recall how I built up this balance, I do recall when I got the card, my credit limit was £400. It eventually reached £1000. Likely I used this to cover existing expenses during the difficult times.

How did I set up a repayment arrangement with Zable?

I emailed them and explained I could not afford my monthly payment, I sent an Income and Expenditure form and an offer of repayment which at the time was £5 per month. After a short while, Zable replied accepting this and they advised interest and charges would be frozen for the duration of this agreement. See, I said it wasn’t that interesting!

Anything else to say about Zable?

Nothing really. Like I say this is the most straightforward account I have. As I intend to write about each of the 12 debts I have, it makes sense to start with this one first and work from here.

How about you? Do you have a debt with Zable? If so, what are your thoughts?

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