Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

A Rough Patch is NOT Going to Stop Me


After I started coming out of my funk from last year, I knew that this year was going to be my year. Needless to say, it hasn’t been.

Not only have I struggled to find a well paying job, but the trauma of last year took a lot more out of me than even I realized. The healing has been slow with lots of set backs.

But I am determined to go into 2024 with a whole lot of fight and determination to make it not only a great year, but a super productive year as far as my debt payoff journey goes.

Obviously, getting a steady stream of regular income is Priority #1. And I am working toward that DAILY. I am advertising on social media, creating all the digital assets to grow a mailing list, pound the street daily, and reach out to my network on a regular basis.

I know I can do this. I have done it before. And now it’s just me, so I’ve got nothing but time to work, grow my skills, and work some more.

What’s the Plan

So BAD community, you saw my debt update a couple of days ago. Once I get back on my feet, have enough regular income to cover monthly bills, AND have a $1,000 EF saved again. What should my next step be?

I am literally all ears and 100% ready to listen and abide by your wisdom. No trip planning. No crazy adventures. Will see all the kids in just over a month.

I am ready to 100% buckle down and go hard to become debt free. Give me your best advice here.

This rough patch will not beat me. It will only serve to motivate me.

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