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A Guide for Bloggers and Content Creators

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How To Become an A.I. Prompt Engineer, Create Irresistible Content, and Get More Customers.

Become an A.I. Prompt Engineer, Create Irresistible Content, and Get More Customers

My good friend and copywriting buddy, Clive Cable recently explained he was transitioning to being a Prompt Engineer.

I had not heard the term before.

What is a Prompt Engineer? I asked Clive.

He explained it was something to do with AI and it was the “future”.

I have known Clive for some time and respect his opinion, but he was the last person I expected to be embracing AI!

So, of course, I asked for an explanation. Clive, being Clive, said he would do better than that. He would write a blog post to explain why he as a Top Copywriter was so excited about AI and why he was now a Prompt Engineer! (Or as he likes to describe himself – a PROMPTPRENEUR!)

But first, grab our Step-by-step guide to using AI and ChatGPT PROMPTS to create copy that converts! (no charge)

Prompt Engineering: A Guide for Bloggers and Content Creators

Prompt Engineering: A Guide for Bloggers and Content Creators

An Article By Clive Cable.

Hey Business Owner and Content Creator, here is a thought…

– Don’t hire a copywriter.

– Or a marketing agency.

– Or a content creator.

Let Chat GPT be Your Marketing Machine.

Chat GPT Prompt Engineering.

While other businesses are standing still you’re moving forward fast.

You look to the future… not to the past.

You see technology as a tool not as a threat.

Right now if you’re ignoring artificial intelligence you may as well try sticking all the leaves back on the trees hoping to prevent autumn.

With Chat GPT and prompt engineering – the future is finally here.

It’s as big as the Internet. And it may even be bigger.

It gives the “little guy” a big advantage.

You’ll make more money in a fraction of the time.

With Chat GPT you have a marketing machine.

Now, before I tell you how to use prompt engineering in your business – you need to be aware of what a prompt engineer is. What they do. And why you would want to become one.

As a prompt engineer, I would be amiss if I didn’t give Chat GPT a prompt to answer this question for you.

“Please define the term prompt engineer using a simple-to-understand simile.”

A prompt engineer is like a chef crafting the perfect question. Just as a chef combines ingredients to create a delicious dish, a prompt engineer carefully designs questions or prompts to get the best responses from a machine learning model.

Now, can you imagine using Chat GPT to understand your customers so well that they choose you over your competitors?

You can?

Great, then keep this in mind at all times.

If you can articulate their problem better than they can – they automatically believe you have the best solution.

Empathy Mapping.

Back in 2006, I wrote newspaper ads in my favorite café.

Living the dream life.

Or as Dire Straits said it in their song, Money for Nothing, “That ain’t working…”

It went like this.

A client would phone me.

We’d meet for coffee.

45 minutes later I’d give him two ads to test. And ask for payment.

My formula was simple.

First I asked him or her “The Empathy Map” questions.

Sip coffee.

Eat some cake.

Sip more coffee.

Then write the ad.

Actually, while I was having cake and coffee I looked at the Empathy Map answers the ad “wrote itself.”

One of my clients said, “That’s like making a hen out of a feather!”

I’ve been doing Empathy Mapping ever since because to me it’s the quickest, easiest way to write sales copy.

Four months ago I found an even easier way to use The Empathy Map to get sales copy to practically write itself.

Empathy map

Even if you’ve never used an Empathy Map.

All you need is “Prompt Engineering” and Chat GPT.

When I began doing this Chat GPT gave me better answers than I’d been getting on my own.

Enter the Prompt Engineer.

Think of it like this.

You ask Chat GPT a question and it writes the answer out for you faster than a cheetah on Red Bull.

In our scenario, we want to get inside the head of our customer.

Here’s what you do…

You ask The Empathy Map questions in Chat GPT and it gives you the answers you need to write content or sales copy with.

All within a few seconds.

I’ll give you the prompts I use in a moment.

When Chat GPT gives me answers to the empathy map questions I always think it can give me more.

I give it another prompt question.

And then one more.

That’s when I got an insight into how best to use Chat GPT.

Something almost as powerful as prompt engineering itself.

It’s okay, I know prompt engineering is everything when it comes to content and copy.

But there’s more to it than just asking prompts.

And that’s sub prompts.

I’ll get to that in a bit.

As you can see from the Empathy Map shown here, there’s a set of questions in each segment.

Leaving sub-prompts to one side (but you will need to use them to get the best results), you use these questions as prompts.

Not separately like I used to do when writing newspaper ads.

You lump them all together in one ginormous prompt.

Before you put your prompt engineering hat on tell Chat GPT this…

Who you are empathizing with.

Forget demographics.

Forget Psychographics.

And Avatars?

Forget them too.

“You must define the situation your reader is in.”

Think in terms of conflict.

NOTE: If you don’t tell Chat GPT who you are empathizing with and the situation they’re in, then it’s as useless as a dyslexic in a spelling competition.

Once you’ve told Chat GPT these two things it then has a context to work with and your answers will be on target.

Think in terms of…

Someone wants something and they are having trouble getting it.

We all have conflicts going on inside of us ALL the time.

We either want something we don’t have, or we are faced with a problem we don’t want.

I’ll always remember what Ben Feldman – the world’s greatest salesman once said…

Problems have price tags.

Here is the first example for you…

A guy in his early 50’s goes to see his doctor and is told he must lose weight, or he is at risk of having a heart attack.

When that guy leaves the doctor he is on a new journey.

On this new journey, he needs whatever it takes to lose weight.

He doesn’t care how much it costs him.

He has to lose weight or else he’ll die from a heart attack.

Let’s go back in time to when you read the words…

Who are you empathizing with?

In this scenario, it’s an overweight guy in his early 50s who is petrified of dying from a heart attack.

Now you have a starting point with Chat GPT.

When you know who you are empathising with you don’t need demographics, psychographics, or Avatars.

Using the prompt,

“Imagine you’re empathizing with an overweight guy in his early 50s who is petrified of dying from a heart attack.”

Now you have given Chat GPT some context to work with.

By the way, once you’ve set this up in this way Chat GPT will remember who you are empathizing with throughout the chat.

In other words, you don’t need to remind it because it recalls this information from this point forward.

Now you can use The Empathy Map questions to get further insights into the guy you’re empathising with.

Your next prompt will be…

Pains: What are their fears, frustrations, and anxieties?

Gains: What are their wants, needs, hopes, and dreams?

Copy and paste the answers you get into a Google Doc.

Then use these prompts.

What do they see in their marketplace, environment, and others doing?

What do they say to themselves and others?

What do they hear from family, friends, colleagues, strangers?

What are they doing that’s not working and instead is making things worse?

Like the above?

Grab Our Free Copy & Paste Prompts Now!

A step-by-step guide to using AI and ChatGPT PROMPTS to create copy that converts!

Request your Copy Now.

Inside you’ll discover….

  • The BEST problem – agitate – solve prompts to create irresistible offers.
  • Make your copy more relatable to your target audience.
  • How to do ultra-fast market & customer research.
  • How to master any niche, market, or product in under 5 minutes.

Plus the deepest darkest pain point research prompts so your copy writes itself! 

Armed with this information you can write emails, blog posts, landing page copy, etc.

Now let me give you another example so you really understand this.

This time we’re going to imagine our prospect is a newbie copywriter. And we’re going to sell a course on how to write great copy using Chat GPT.

As you already know the prompts for understanding their wants and desires, fears, and frustrations, etc., I’m going to give you a prompt you can use to create a “diary entry.”

Just before I do I want to remind you of this…

If you can articulate their problem better than they can – they automatically believe you have the best solution.

Imagine if you could read a secret diary of your potential buyer.

In it, they reveal their innermost fears and desires.

Would that give you an advantage when writing content or sales copy?

I give it a double thumbs up.

Here’s my prompt.

Write a first-person account of what it feels like to be a new copywriter struggling with being able to write good copy for clients. Be very specific about the problems a new copywriter faces and what he feels like day to day.

And the answer was…

Every morning I wake up before the crack of dawn, before the birds have begun their morning songs.

I’m greeted by the glare of my laptop screen, not the golden hue of the sunrise. The cursor on the blank white page blinks ominously, taunting me, and I know it’s the start of another grueling day as a novice copywriter.

With every new assignment, a lump forms in my throat. I’m stepping into uncharted territory, armed with only a loose brief and a pressing deadline. It’s like I’m asked to paint a masterpiece with minimal strokes, in hues that can speak to a diverse audience, using a color palette that is always changing.

Each new client is a different beast – diverse, with complex needs, varied demands, and an array of preferences. And yet, the struggle isn’t only about understanding their needs, it’s about translating those needs into compelling, persuasive words.

There’s also the constant dread of rejection. Every sentence I write, every headline I draft, feels like a part of my soul – vulnerable and exposed. Every suggestion for revision, every minor critique, feels like a personal attack, even when I remind myself it’s not. The stress of delivering perfect copy in the first attempt, the fear of disappointing clients, and the relentless self-doubt are all-consuming.

Then there’s the imposter syndrome – the feeling of being a fraud that’s just a moment away from being discovered. No matter how many successful projects I complete, there’s a persistent voice in the back of my mind whispering, “You just got lucky.” It’s exhausting, constantly fighting off that voice.

The learning curve is steep. Every day, I face a new industry, a new target audience, and a new brand voice. I’m a perpetual student, having to learn, adapt, and write compellingly about areas I had no idea about just the day before. It’s a demanding process that leaves me mentally drained at the end of each day.

The struggle extends beyond just the work. The constant pressure to stay creative, to keep producing fresh ideas is daunting. I often find myself in a creative rut, staring blankly at the screen, words just out of my grasp. It’s as if I am in a perpetual race against time, wracking my brain for that perfect tagline while the minutes slip away, uncontrolled.

However, amidst all these challenges, there’s a silver lining. With every word written and every project delivered, I’m growing. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, but I am. There are glimmers of joy when a client praises my work or when I crack that headline that felt impossible a few hours ago.

This journey of being a new copywriter is arduous and filled with pitfalls and sharp turns. Yet, it’s also a journey of growth, a testament to my resilience. Every struggle I face today is shaping me into the writer I aspire to be tomorrow. I hold onto that thought each day as I dive back into the world of words, ready to face the blinking cursor on my screen.

Can you start to see how much easier to write content or sales copy?

You’re no longer staring at a blank page.

Those 500 words give you a great starting point and what took seconds to research has given you insights you would only get if you went out and spoke to six or more clients.

Now we’ve got this far it’s time to have a bit of fun.

Let’s use Chat GPT to create a suitable metaphor to help sell this Chat GPT course for newbie copywriters who want to become a prompt engineer.

The prompt I used was…

Create an easy-to-understand analogy/metaphor for a new copywriter to gain an unfair advantage over his competition using Chat GPT.

Here’s the answer…

Imagine being a new artist in a town brimming with experienced artists, all vying for the attention of the same audience. They’ve been painting their canvases for years, perfecting their strokes, and having their art displayed in the finest galleries. You, on the other hand, are just starting out with a blank canvas and a set of paints.

Now imagine if you were given a magical brush. This isn’t any ordinary brush – it’s powered by all the techniques, styles, and secrets of the best artists in history. This brush can guide your hand, helping you paint ten times faster than the traditional way. It never tires, allowing you to create more artwork than you ever thought possible.

That’s what using Chat GPT is like in the world of copywriting. As a new copywriter, you’re up against seasoned professionals. But with Chat GPT, you have a tool that’s been trained on an extensive database of successful copy. It’s like having the knowledge and expertise of the world’s best copywriters at your fingertips. You’ll be able to create quality copy faster, never tire out, and take on more clients.

While others are working with traditional brushes, you’re wielding a magic one. That’s the unfair advantage Chat GPT provides.

Now that’s what I’m talking about.

And why I believe Chat GPT is THE way forward for small business owners.

Especially if you are in the information business.

And educator, coach, mentor, author, or expert of any kind.

Being a good prompt engineer will save you hours and get you more clients quicker than just about anything else you can do.

Time to go one step further.

In case you hate selling and hate rejection you’ll love this next part.

Prompt engineering can take you in so many different directions.

One of them is finding out what objects a person might have to any given product or service.

My prompt was…

Give me a list of six frequently asked questions someone might have about investing in a course about using Chat GPT if you’re a newbie copywriter.

The answer…

What skills will I learn from this course? How will the course help me transition from being a novice to a professional copywriter using Chat GPT?

What kind of practical applications does this course offer? Will I get to work on real-world projects or examples to practically implement my learnings from the course?

How is the course structured? Can you provide a breakdown of the course content? Will it cover both the basics of copywriting and advanced techniques?

Who are the instructors for this course? Do they have professional experience in the field? How well do they understand the nuances of AI, especially Chat GPT?

Will the course provide certification or any kind of credit? Upon completion, will I receive a certificate or credential that will be recognized in the professional field?

What kind of support will I get during the course? If I have questions or difficulties during the course, will I have access to instructors or mentors for guidance?

In case you didn’t know FAQs are really objections in disguise.

What copywriters do is figure out what objections prospects have then turn them into questions.

Then they feature them on the sales page with answers that look really helpful.

All they are doing is getting rid of any skepticism after reading the main sale page.

What I’m about to reveal will be extremely valuable to you.

However, I must apologize first.

I forgot to tell you one of the main useful features of Chat GPT.

You already know that you must give Chat GPT a context to work with.

Almost all prompt engineers do this.

The other thing they often do is assign a role to Chat GPT.

You can ask it to give you an answer to a prompt in the style of Boris Johnson.

(Although I’m not sure why you’d want to do that.

In this case, I asked Chat GPT to answer each of those six frequently asked questions (aka objections), in a different voice.

Here’s the prompt I used…

Provide the answers to the above. Write them so they are in the tone of an “off the wall” creative type and in the fun style of copywriter Andre Chaperon.

Here’s what I got back…

What skills will I learn from this course? This ain’t your grandmother’s embroidery class, my friend! You’ll be diving headfirst into the crazy world of copywriting, surfing the biggest waves with Chat GPT as your trusty surfboard. We’re talking powerful headlines, persuasive body copy, and call-to-actions so compelling they could convince a cat to love water. We’ve got it all!

What kind of practical applications does this course offer? Buckle up because this is going to be a hands-on joyride! You’ll not only be learning from the gurus, but you’ll also be wrestling with real-life examples, getting down and dirty with the nitty-gritty of copywriting. You’ll be churning out copy like a pro in no time, and by the end of it, your clients won’t believe you’ve been riding solo for such a short time.

How is the course structured? Think of it as a road trip. We start with the basics, like packing the car (understanding the essentials of copywriting) and setting the navigation (mastering Chat GPT). Then, we’ll hit the open road, exploring the scenic routes of storytelling, persuasion, and emotional engagement. And yes, there will be pit stops for rest, revision, and Q&A sessions!

Who are the instructors for this course? You’re learning from the best of the best. Imagine learning to cook from Gordon Ramsay or to paint from Picasso – that’s the calibre we’re talking about! They’re copywriting rockstars who’ve been there, done that, and have the T-shirt to prove it. They’ve ridden the AI wave, wrestled with Chat GPT, and they’re ready to share their secrets.

Will the course provide certification or any kind of credit? You bet! We wouldn’t let you leave this party without a goody bag. You’ll get a fancy-schmancy certificate that you can proudly flash around. Consider it your golden ticket to the world of professional copywriting. It’s like your very own backstage pass, giving you access to areas previously off-limits.

What kind of support will I get during the course? Support? We’ve got you covered like a cozy blanket on a cold winter night. You’ll have access to our mentorship program, like having Yoda in your corner, only less green and more focused on copywriting. Hit a snag? We’re there. Need a pep talk? We’re on it. We’ve got your back every step of the way.

This was a great example of a funny response.

It needs some tweaking here and there if I am going to use it.

However, it has answered the objections and entertained you along the way in the style of Andre Chaperon.

And all it took was some creative prompt engineering.

The thing with Chat GPT is you never know what it can do until you get better at creating prompts.

When you use prompt engineering in your business think of context and roles.

In the last example, the context was FAQs, and the role was writing in the style of Andre Chaperon.

Any article about writing with Chat GPT as your co-pilot wouldn’t be complete without mentioning story.

For most writers – including most copywriters – stories are one of the hardest things to master.

In fact, few people know how to tell a good story.

And yet stories are the shortcut to persuasion.

Be you thought it was sex!

Let’s get Chat GPT to enter a phone booth and change into a superhuman storyteller.

So we don’t have to write a single word.

Sounds good, right?

Here’s my prompt…

Find me a true story that proves Chat GPT can turn newbie copywriters into seasoned professionals.  Make it relevant to someone just starting out as a copywriter.

Chat GPT replied with…

Meet John, a fresh college graduate and aspiring copywriter. He was passionate about writing but was struggling to get his copywriting career off the ground. With a saturated job market and tough competition from experienced copywriters, he wasn’t getting the break he needed.

John heard about Chat GPT, but like many others, he was skeptical. He questioned the capacity of AI to mimic the creativity and intuition of a human writer. However, as job rejections piled up, John decided to give it a shot. He figured he had little to lose.

At first, he merely used Chat GPT as a tool to overcome writer’s block. It was like a brainstorming partner that was always available. As he began to explore the platform more, he found that it could do a lot more than just provide writing suggestions. It was a vast knowledge base that could help him understand industry trends and jargon, draft compelling headlines, and even refine his language skills.

Over time, John realized that Chat GPT was more of an assistant than a replacement. It helped him produce drafts quicker, which he could then refine, bringing in his unique style and creativity. He started taking on small freelance projects, delivering quality work faster than many of his peers. His clients were impressed, and word spread about his efficiency.

Within a year, John had more than tripled his client base. He was no longer just a newbie; he was competing head-to-head with experienced professionals, all thanks to his partnership with Chat GPT.

John’s story isn’t an assurance that Chat GPT will magically turn a new copywriter into a seasoned pro. It’s a testament that it can be a valuable tool that when used wisely, can help accelerate one’s learning curve and improve efficiency. It doesn’t replace human creativity or understanding, but instead, it enhances it. The magic happens when human creativity combines with AI’s efficiency, turning skepticism into success.

Not bad – not good either.

This is a prime example of prompt engineering gone wrong.

And why you would need to go back and clean it up with a refined prompt.

Let’s look at why this is bad.

First, let me point out that having 33 years of experience writing sales copy and storytelling, I know exactly what I’m looking for AND THIS IS NOT IT.

If you look at the wording it’s too lofty.

There are few verbs or action words.

And there are almost no picture words.

See if you can make pictures in your mind of ANY of these words.

Aspiring, passionate, struggling, saturated, competitive, experienced, questioned, capacity, creativity, intuition, and mimic, figured he had little to lose.

You can’t can you?

That’s when you need a refined prompt.

You gotta get a little creative here to get what you want.

My prompt was…

Please could you make the following story easier to understand? Make it more exciting and engaging. Use intrigue and drama.

Chat GPT took 10 seconds to write this response…

Meet John, a fresh-faced college graduate with fire in his eyes and a pen in his hand. He dreamed of conquering the world with his words as a copywriter, but reality hit him hard. The job market was a jungle, and experienced copywriters prowled around like fierce lions, making it tough for him to get his foot in the door.

Desperate for a break, John heard whispers of a mysterious ally called Chat GPT, an AI-powered writing assistant. Intrigued but skeptical, he wondered if a soulless machine could ever replicate the magic of human creativity. However, with each job rejection weighing on his heart, he decided to take a leap of faith. “What’s there to lose?” he thought.

At first, he cautiously approached Chat GPT, using it as a lifeline to break through writer’s block. The AI became his ever-present brainstorming partner, an oasis in the desert of ideas. But as he explored its capabilities, he discovered something astonishing. Chat GPT was no ordinary tool; it was a treasure trove of knowledge, an oracle of industry trends, and a master of crafting captivating headlines.

Chat GPT became his secret weapon, a trusted confidant in his writing journey. It didn’t replace him; it empowered him. John unlocked hidden potential within himself as he combined his creativity with the AI’s efficiency. Drafts flew from his fingertips faster than ever, and he refined them into sparkling gems of copy.

With newfound confidence, John ventured into the freelance world, taking on small projects like a hungry lion hunting for prey. His clients were awestruck by the quality and speed of his work. Word of his talent and mysterious writing companion spread like wildfire.

In no time, John had a booming client base that surpassed his wildest dreams. The once struggling newbie was now a fierce competitor to the seasoned professionals. He had clawed his way to the top, with Chat GPT by his side, roaring with pride.

But this story isn’t a fairy tale where AI magically transforms a novice into a virtuoso. No, it’s an epic saga of a young writer who dared to embrace the power of technology while honoring the art of his craft. Chat GPT was no sorcerer’s stone, but a magical catalyst that accelerated his growth and sharpened his skills.

It was a potent fusion of human creativity and AI’s unyielding efficiency that led to his triumph. John had proven that when you blend skepticism with curiosity, something extraordinary emerges – success, like a phoenix, rising from the ashes.

So, dear reader, let this tale inspire you. The world may be a jungle, but with the right tools and the right spirit, you too can carve your path through the wilderness of words. Embrace the magic of technology, wield it with wisdom, and let it amplify your brilliance. And remember, it’s the harmony of human and machine that creates the most captivating symphony.

I like this one far more than the first one.

You can clearly make pictures in your mind’s eye.

It also does a great job of overcoming any reluctance to use prompt engineering.

It turns it into a tool.

Almost a friend when it uses the word “ally.”

Yes, I would tweak it in places, so it didn’t sound too over the top.

I’ve always found understatement to be better than hype.

But hey, this is a story so we can use drama as our ally. ?

Now it is confession time.

I can’t help myself.

It comes from the book, “The Power of One More.”

You guessed it, the ‘power of one more prompt.’

Here it is.

Please make this even more persuasive and inspirational using the benefits gained by using Chat GPT to help write better sales copy.

Chat GPT as always complied with…

Introducing John, a tenacious go-getter fresh out of college, brimming with dreams of becoming a copywriting maestro. But like a lone sailor on a vast ocean, he faced fierce winds of competition and a storm of rejections. With every setback, doubt crept into his mind, and his dream seemed to be slipping away.

That’s when he heard about Chat GPT—a beacon of hope shining through the dark clouds of uncertainty. At first, he was skeptical, questioning if an AI could ever match the finesse of a human writer. But as he witnessed his peers thriving with Chat GPT’s aid, he decided it was time to embrace this digital ally and chart a new course.

Like an alchemist’s secret formula, Chat GPT worked wonders for John. Not just an ordinary tool, it was a treasure chest of boundless creativity and wisdom. With its guidance, John conquered the relentless writer’s block that once held him captive. No longer lost in a sea of ideas, he was now a captain steering his words with precision and power.

The true enchantment began when he realized that Chat GPT wasn’t just a writing assistant—it was a magician with a vast knowledge of industry trends and buyer psychology. Armed with this sorcerer’s knowledge, John crafted headlines that bewitched his audience, leaving them mesmerized and eager to engage.

But the magic didn’t stop there. As if blessed by the writing gods, John’s language skills soared to new heights, and he began to spin words into gold. The once-daunting task of writing sales copy became an exhilarating dance of persuasion, captivating readers, and converting them into loyal customers.

The benefits were undeniable. With Chat GPT as his trusted companion, John’s productivity skyrocketed. He now churned out top-notch drafts at the speed of thought, leaving his competitors in awe and his clients overjoyed.

As whispers of his uncanny success spread like wildfire, John found himself at the helm of a flourishing copywriting business. No longer a struggling rookie, he was now a force to be reckoned with—a master wordsmith ruling over the realm of sales persuasion.

But the true revelation of this tale lies in the timeless truth it unveils the perfect harmony of human creativity and AI’s unrivaled efficiency. By embracing technology, John had unlocked the door to limitless possibilities. With Chat GPT as his wind beneath the wings, he soared to new heights of achievement, painting the skies with the brilliance of his words.

Dear dreamer, let John’s tale be your guiding star. Embrace the power of Chat GPT, and watch as your sales copy transforms into a symphony of success. Let the doubts of the past dissolve like the morning mist, for with this miraculous ally by your side, you shall rise above the waves of mediocrity and sail towards the shores of triumph.

So, heed the call, and join the ranks of those who dare to marry human brilliance with technological wizardry. Embrace Chat GPT and let the magic of words shape your destiny. Your copywriting dreams shall no longer be a distant mirage but a tangible reality—where success, fame, and prosperity await your pen.

Way better.

I love the use of the extended metaphor.

But I’m still not satisfied with it.

A tad more thinking power and I came up with this prompt.

Rewrite the text below to make it more relatable, emotionally dramatic, and persuasive for newbie copywriters.

Which produced this…

Meet John—an ambitious soul fresh out of college, with a heart full of dreams to become a copywriting virtuoso. Picture him as a lone sailor, embarking on a vast ocean of possibilities. But instead of smooth sailing, he’s met with fierce winds of competition and a tempest of rejections. Every setback felt like a dagger of doubt piercing his resolve, and his cherished dream appeared to be slipping through his fingers.

Amidst these stormy waters, a glimmer of hope emerges—Chat GPT. Imagine it as a radiant beacon, piercing through the dark clouds of uncertainty that loomed over John’s path. Initially skeptical, he questioned if an AI could ever rival the finesse of a human writer. Yet, as he saw his peers flourishing with Chat GPT’s assistance, he realized it was time to embrace this digital ally and forge a new direction.

Think of Chat GPT as an alchemist’s secret elixir for John. It wasn’t just a mundane tool; it was a chest overflowing with boundless creativity and sagacity. With its guidance, John broke free from the shackles of writer’s block that once imprisoned him. No longer adrift in a sea of ideas, he emerged as a captain, steering his words with precision and conviction.

The true enchantment unfurled when John discovered that Chat GPT was no mere assistant—it was a magician, armed with an intricate knowledge of industry trends and the intricate web of buyer psychology. Empowered by this mystical insight, John wove headlines that cast a spell on his audience, leaving them entranced and hungry for more.

Yet, the magic didn’t halt there. As if bestowed by literary gods, John’s linguistic prowess soared to newfound heights, transforming mere words into pure gold. The once-daunting task of crafting sales copy evolved into an exhilarating dance of persuasion, enthralling readers, and alchemizing them into devoted customers.

The rewards were undeniable. With Chat GPT as his unwavering companion, John’s productivity ascended to unprecedented heights. He churned out impeccable drafts at the speed of thought, leaving rivals awestruck and clients jubilant.

Whispers of his remarkable feats spread like wildfire, propelling John to the helm of a thriving copywriting empire. No longer a novice struggling in obscurity, he emerged as a force to be reckoned with—a maestro of words reigning over the realm of persuasive prose.

Yet, the most profound revelation lies in the timeless truth this tale reveals: the exquisite fusion of human creativity and AI’s unmatched efficiency. By embracing technology, John unlocked a door to infinite possibilities. With Chat GPT as his propelling gust, he soared to unprecedented heights, painting the skies with the radiance of his words.

Dear dreamer, allow John’s narrative to guide your path. Embrace the potency of Chat GPT and witness your copywriting endeavors transform into a symphony of triumph. Let the shadows of past uncertainties dissolve like the morning mist, for with this miraculous ally at your side, you shall transcend the realm of mediocrity and navigate toward the shores of victory.

Answer the call and stand among those who dare to fuse human brilliance with technological wizardry. Embrace Chat GPT and let the enchantment of words sculpt your destiny. Your copywriting aspirations will cease to be distant mirages, evolving into tangible realities—where success, recognition, and prosperity eagerly await your touch.

** If you have not downloaded it yet, then now is the time to grab our Step-by-step guide to using AI and ChatGPT PROMPTS to create copy that converts! (no charge) **

Almost there…

New prompt.

Please rewrite at a 5th-grade level using active verbs and reduce the story to 300 words.

Gave me this…

Meet John, a determined guy fresh out of college, full of big dreams to be a great writer. But, like a sailor alone on a huge ocean, he faced strong competition and got told “no” a lot. Doubt filled his mind as his dream seemed to slip away.

Then he heard about Chat GPT—a light of hope in his dark time. He wasn’t sure if an AI could be as good as a human writer, but he saw his friends doing well with it. So, he decided to give it a shot.

Chat GPT worked like magic for John. It wasn’t just a regular tool; it was like a treasure chest of ideas. With its help, he beat writer’s block and became a strong writer.

The real magic started when he saw that Chat GPT wasn’t just a helper—it was like a wizard with knowledge about what people like. With this magic knowledge, John made headlines that caught people’s attention and made them excited.

But that wasn’t all. John’s writing skills got super good. Writing sales words changed from hard to fun. He got good at convincing people and turning them into customers.

Chat GPT helped John be super productive. He wrote really good drafts really fast, and everyone was amazed.

News of his success spread quickly. Now, John had a cool writing business and was really good at it. He wasn’t a beginner anymore. He was a master writer who knew how to sell things with words.

This story shows how people and technology can work together. John used Chat GPT’s help to become an amazing writer. You can do it too! Use Chat GPT and turn your writing dreams into real success. Don’t doubt yourself. With Chat GPT, you can do awesome things.

Now I’m happy.

With a few tweaks here and there this is a story I would use on a sales page.

For example, I wouldn’t use the word “cool” as in a cool writing business. I’d change that to either successful or profitable.

You’ve come a long way in a short time.

Let’s recap what you’ve just learned.

Prompt engineering in a creative way had Chat GPT doing 98% of your writing for you.

Understanding your customers using The Empathy Map is essential if you want to make more sales and have happier customers.

Metaphors and stories help persuade your readers without them realizing it.

Plus they feel entertained along the way.

You know you don’t have to accept what Chat GPT gives you.

After all, you are a prompt engineer, aren’t you?

You saw in the last story how I kept going back with new and more interesting prompts to get closer to what I wanted from Chat GPT.

This reminds me of the TV show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire.”

(Yes I know that dates me… however…)

You see the presenter handing over a cheque for £32,000.

He says something like…

“But we don’t want you to have that, we want you to have more…”

That’s where we are now.

With what you have here you have some incredible advantages over your competition.

You have ways of creating content in minutes saving you hours.

But we want you to have more.

I’ve created a mini-prompt library of Our Best Copy & Paste Prompts.

Included in the prompt library…

  • The problem – agitate – solve prompt to create irresistible offers.
  • Relatable storytelling – the hidden persuaders.
  • Ultra-fast market & customer research.
  • The deepest darkest pain point research so your copy writes itself.
  • How to master any niche, market, or product in under 5 minutes.
  • And many more useful prompts that will save you time and money.

The cost?


The catch?


We’re testing the market to see if small business owners want an unfair advantage in the competitive post covid online world.

To Grab A No Charge Copy Of Our Best Copy & Paste Prompts Click Here – From The PROMPTPRENEUR

Prompt Engineer, copywriter

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