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Surfer SEO Content I Write Ranks Top of Page 1 on Google

Surfer SEO content optimization is how content I’ve written for clients immediately ranked for keyword phrases that generate income for those businesses.

Even better, that content is STILL in position one or two whenever I check. It has been over a year since I optimized some of it.

And it still ranks!

I’m not talking about easy to rank for content, either. These are highly competitive keyword phrases for clients with dozens of competitors.

Does Surfer SEO Content Optimization Work? YES!

Based on that, I have to say that content optimized using Surfer SEO does rank well. Keep in mind that this is NOT AI generated content.

This is content that I either originally wrote and then optimized later. Or that someone else wrote and I optimized it later.

Do I Recommend Surfer SEO Content Optimization?

Yes, I do. In fact, I would love to optimize content for many more small businesses so that they can increase their incomes — especially in tough times like now.

In the interests of full disclosure, the content I optimize is important to my clients. So it does already have some incoming links.

It is likely that you need incoming links if you are targeting competitive keyword phrases.

Surfer SEO Discount 30% Off Until 4/24/24 8 a.m. EDT

If you want to optimize your own, right now is the best time to try it out because it is 30% off – but only until 9 a.m. EDT the morning of Wednesday 4/24/24.

There is no risk because you can use the 7 day free trial and cancel before you pay if it isn’t for you!

Surfer SEO Free Trial

😮 Risk-free 7-day trial: Customers can try Surfer and still get the discount!

Benefit from:

Greater Visibility

✅ More Clicks

Additional Traffic

✅ Extra Conversions

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