Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Hope’s Debt Update – March, 2024


Once again, I was paid a month in advance. As soon as the money hit my bank, I sat down and scheduled payments and reviewed my forecast. Man, it feels good to be on my feet again.

This month I had to take care of some things ahead of focusing solely on debt:

  • Figure out taxes and get ahead of the game on those.
  • Make a double payment on my auto insurance since I requested an extended due date last month. I wasn’t certain of when I would start this job or get paid and I didn’t want to take a chance of being late.
  • Get some of the needed maintenance done to my car that they mentioned last fall. I’ve gotten my brakes done, but there are a few other 100K mile services that I have been advised to do as I can.
  • Getting my eyes checked – scheduled later this month.

I was able to pay off about half of the Sam’s card, but otherwise, no major movement on debts. I am feeling good about the progress I have made on all fronts. With ease! Hallelujah! (You can see last month’s debt update here.)

Debt Description October, 2023 Total Interest Rate Minimum Payment Current Total
CC – Sams $1,106 29.99% $40 $679
CC – Wander $1,630 29.24% $75 $1,701
Personal Loan #1 $2,500 0% $500 (beg April) $2,500
Personal Loan #2 $2,500 0% $500 (beg April) $2,500
CC – USAA $5,000 19.15% $135 $4,941
CC – Frontier $3,857 29.99% $131 $3,602
CC – Amazon $1,497 29.99% $53 $1,457
Dad – New Furnace $2,600 0% $2,600
Car Loan $19,581 12.69% Gymnast Pays $17,109
Student Loans $22,121 2.875% In Deferrment $22,450
CC – Apple** $500 Paid off every month $0
CC – AMEX $894 29.24% $0 $0
Total $61,186 $483 $59,539


I did rearrange my debt table a bit with the goal of putting things in the order I hope to pay them off. And then also moving the paid off item to the bottom so that the beginning balance does reflect progress. (In the past I would remove the item when it was paid off and then I can’t really see the progress as easily.)

And I do plan to continue with bare bones spending through the Spring, well, really as long as I can. I am laser focused on getting back on my feet and getting out of debt!

Gymnast and I are exploring moving him off the insurance. We have scheduled some time together next Monday to file his taxes and get on the phone with some insurance companies to see what our options are. (His options.)

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