Financial & Investment Tips

A chicken, a Bible, and a banana tree…

What do a chicken, a Bible, and a banana tree have in common?

You can Google it, but there is only one thing that I am aware of.

And that is…

By enrolling in any SeedTime course, you are providing all 3 of them for someone in need.

We recently began partnering with World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization that has a proven track record of meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people in over 100 countries.

And now we (you, us, and World Vision) are all working together to help strategically meet needs in areas they are desperately needed.

Why a chicken?

We believe in supporting the entrepreneurial spirit, and by providing a chicken to someone in need, it not only can feed them at the moment, but chickens are easy to breed.

So they can easily grow and multiply to create a steady source of income, be shared with neighbors, and ultimately make life better for a whole community.

And raising healthy chicks requires little money, space, or food — making them an ideal business venture for a single mom or vulnerable family.

Why a Bible?

Because no other book has so deeply impacted our lives and brought freedom like the Bible. It is an absolute treasure, and we believe it is the best gift we can possibly give to someone without one.

And thanks to World Vision, we are able to provide Bibles in the recipients’ native language – making it that much more accessible.

Why a banana tree?

As our name suggests, we have a little healthy obsession of God’s system of “seedtime and harvest” (Gen 8:22) that He designed.

So when we provide a banana tree to someone in need, we are helping parents feed their children, grow their income, and share seedlings so more families can grow their own fruit.

And a fruit tree orchard can produce enough crops for vital income in just two to three years so it can truly be a life-changing gift.

A heartfelt ‘thank you’

Provide a chicken to someone in need through World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for enrolling in our courses.

We are regularly praying for you that you and your family would have your finances invaded by God and would be in a financial position to bless the socks off your community.

And just in case you didn’t know, we are a small Christian mission-focused company with an undying belief that thriving financially is far easier than most financial experts have led us to believe.

We have spent the last 16 years simplifying all the complicated stuff, creating step-by-step methods and courses to make it nearly impossible to fail.

And because you enroll in our courses, and follow the simple path in each course to get the results, and then share the word with your friends and church leaders, SeedTime grows and reaches more people.

So, yes we appreciate you helping us keep the lights on and pay our employees so SeedTime can continue to exist.

But even more, we are so excited that we get to partner together to give thousands of chickens, Bibles, and banana trees!

And please join with us in praying that those gifts would have a domino effect of lives impacted both on earth and in eternity!

Your friends and coaches,

Bob & Linda Lotich and the SeedTime team

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