Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Four Weeks of Interviews – Blogging Away Debt Blogging Away Debt


The last week of December, I heard from a past client asking if I was available for a big role. I was so excited to hear from him. Not only was he one of my favorite clients, but, of course, I wanted more work. But I was also immediately torn as I felt a loyalty to my accounting client.

He and I scheduled a call for the second week of January to touch base. And the day before that call…I was laid off.

So while I was devastated in one sense, my availability opened up and need for work became urgent.

Round and Round of Calls

The first call went great. The role he described was a dream role. And we left that call with some things to think about. But no real plan.

The second call was a couple of weeks later due to some pre-scheduled travel on his part. And we were both prepared. It went great. And I came in confident that I could not only succeed in the role, but with a firm grasp of what I was willing to offer to get it. Firm boundaries.

By the third call we had come to terms as far as time commitment and finances. It was a compromise on both our parts, but for the first time, probably ever, I stuck to my guns. And came away feeling really good about the deal we had tentatively struck.

Fourth and fifth calls nailed down the details and introduced me to the leadership team. And as of the writing of this post, we have a signed 6 month contract. I will start next week.

The future looks bright.

The Details

I will be bringing in $6,000 per month as a part time independent contractor. We will re-evaluate at the 90 day mark and 6 month mark to discuss expanding the role and possible increase in rate. As a contractor, I am wholly responsible for all my taxes, FICA, etc. so I can’t just go budget $6K. But this is a huge step in the right direction. And I am so pleased!

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