Financial & Investment Tips is shutting down… my 2 favorite Mint Alternatives

So, (probably the most popular financial app out there) is closing its doors at the end of the year.

While it was originally designed to track your spending, many users began to use it as a budgeting app as well. I never really found it to be very effective at budgeting because there isn’t any built-in accountability.

When you overspend in a category (say groceries), there isn’t any real consequence, and therefore it is easy to overspend.

And isn’t that the whole purpose of budgeting? To be able to put some controls on your spending?

All that to say, I haven’t used Mint in many years because we never really found it to be the best financial tool.

This is what we have used instead:

A couple of years after Mint hit the scene, a new tracking app emerged called Empower Personal Dashboard (formerly Personal Capital) that blew Mint out of the water.

empower personal dashboard

And that has been the primary financial tracking app that we have used for the last decade.

It’s a FREE tool that is simply the most powerful tracking app I have seen.

It pretty much does everything you could need an app to do except budgeting, and for that, we use our proprietary method…

After testing out every budgeting app and tool out there and not finding anything that worked for Linda and me together, we decided to re-evaluate what budgeting actually means.

We began questioning the complexity of all the budgeting tools and asked, “What if there was a much simpler way?”

Out of this search, we stumbled upon a method where we simply use our bank accounts to manage our money.

No budgeting apps are needed. No envelopes. No spreadsheets. No spending hours each week analyzing numbers. And way less money fights.

Real Money Budgeting System by SeedTime

After we tested this approach for a couple of years, we realized that it was simpler and quicker than anything we had ever tried.

And if that wasn’t good enough, we discovered that we were in unity with our finances in a way we had never been before.

So then I recorded some videos showing how we do it, and others were finding the same success we had with it.

And now, a few years later, we have nearly 2,000 students who have found life-changing results with this method…

SH J Student testimonial
v markjun28 student testimonial
kristy pont student testimonial
julio gonzalez student testimonial
mark hollinshead student testimonial
adrienne student testimonial
zoli0811 student testimonial
jennifer jones lagua student testimonial

And this is just a small sample of what we have heard from students.

The bottom line is this method works.

So, if you don’t feel like you have complete control of your money to the point where you are seeing your savings grow each month, we’d love the opportunity to teach you this method. is shutting down… do this instead my 2 favorite alternatives…

What will your story be?

These are all things we’ve heard from our students, and we can’t wait to hear your story!

20% off for a limited time

To sweeten the deal for all you abandoned Mint users (and everyone else) for a limited time, you can get 20% off the Real Money Method training program.

Just use code MINT20 when checking out.

Get all the details about the program and get enrolled here.

Your friend and coach,

Bob sign

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