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Offbeat Wedding Ideas for Non-traditional Couples

offbeat wedding ideas, wedding tips, wedding ideas, wedding planning

Planning a wedding but don’t want to overspend? Have an offbeat wedding and plan your big day your way. Here are a few popular offbeat wedding ideas you might want to consider to save money on your dream wedding.

While you might not have heard of the term ‘offbeat wedding’ before, it’s not really a new trend. Couples have been steering away from traditional weddings for some time now and choosing to do their own thing.

Not having to spend $600 on a cake or $1,000 on a dress allows you to put money toward what you really want your big day to look like and could very well help you avoid a $30,000 day.

Superhero Themed Wedding

For couples who like classic cartoons and comics, this wedding theme can be very fun. You can buy superhero-themed decorations for cheap at the dollar store or even stores like Party City. You can create your own signature drinks named after superheroes to save on the open bar, have plenty of fun and cheap finger foods, and dress the flower girl and ring bearer up in costumes.

Go to the Courthouse and Take a Big Vacation Afterward

I know this option doesn’t sound as glamorous to you as some of the others, but if you’re not a fan of traditional wedding glamour, you should probably consider other options.

Courthouse weddings are not all that bad. You can still invite close family and friends to witness your nuptials and you can certainly dress up and even include flowers. You just won’t have to worry about spending thousands or even hundreds of dollars on your attire.

After you say your vows, you can reserve space at a restaurant with your family and friends for a nice meal and even dance afterward. A courthouse wedding and dinner reception where you don’t have to pay for everyone’s meal will leave you with plenty of money left over to enjoy an exotic trip for your honeymoon.

I’ve always been a little jealous of couples who are able to spend an entire week or two away traveling so I made it a priority to have an unforgettable honeymoon experience as well.

Have a DIY Park of Backyard Wedding

If you really want full control over your big day, you can go full-on DIY and rent out a park or use someone’s backyard for all the festivities.

Some parks have pretty gazebos and other features that would be perfect for an outdoor wedding and allow you to take some great pictures.
For the reception, you can grill out or order food from a caterer. You can also elect an MC for the night and set a playlist up to avoid hiring a DJ.

Dare to Be Different

If you’re learning more about having an offbeat wedding that doesn’t embrace tradition, these ideas have barely scratched the surface in terms of what you can do. Dare to be different and switch things up. Stick to your values in order to make the day truly special.

Who knows, you might just end up saving money in the end.

Would you have an offbeat wedding? Why or why not?

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