Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Breaking Down The Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction

You’re self-employed, which means getting your own health insurance.

No more being able to take advantage of an employer’s plan.

Well, unless your spouse has access to a good one.

Or are young enough to be on your parents’ plan.

But, in general, you’re on your own, and it sucks.

Not only are premiums rising each year, but so are deductibles.

Add to that the lack of help and affordable options the marketplaces provide, and the whole thing makes you want to scream.

Enter the self-employed health insurance deduction.

With this little gem, you may no longer have to itemize in order to deduct your health insurance premiums.

You may no longer have to meet certain minimums before your medical expenses qualify for deducting.

That’s a huge benefit.

It’s not, however, without its drawbacks and confusing rules…

eHealth Insurance

Affordable Health InsuranceS

Looking for medical insurance, dental/vision, or small business health insurance? eHealth has multiple options for you all in one place.

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