Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

4 Tips for Planning a Cheap and Fun Road Trip

You’ve been working long and hard the past year with few breaks in between. It’s about time you took a breather before resuming work with a fun trip! Here are some ideas to help you plan for your budgeted outing.

1. Ensure Your Vehicle Is Roadworthy

Every month, all vehicles in America cover trillions of miles, according to data from The Zebra. Roads are a convenient method of travel for groups. They’re ideal when there are several locations you want to visit. They’re also more reliable than flight cancelations and have fewer security checks. For your road trip, get a vehicle that’s fuel-efficient consumption.

Regularly take the vehicle for service and maintenance. Besides checking the engine oil, steering fluid, hydraulic fluid, spark plugs, battery, and other suspects, ensure the tires have adequate treads and are inflated per the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Although the AC is working, check it and, if necessary, refill the gas. You’ll need the AC working to maintain favorable temperatures inside the car when driving in hot weather. Fuel the vehicle to a full tank to ensure you’re covered for the first section of your road trip. Use regular rather than premium fuel to save money.

2. Decide Where to Stay

It’d be great if you got a campervan. Consider budgeting for one that operates within the locations you’re interested in. Another interesting option is to carry tents and camp out in the open. This is an innovative way of avoiding hotel rates.

Look for free campsites where your troop can pitch tents for the night. Some campsites are entirely free so you’ll save a lot. You can rent camping gear, including tents, mats, bags, pillows, chairs, foldable tables, food, and a cooking stove.

Don’t forget to pack comfortable clothes, sandals, and self-care items such as sunscreen, body wash, lotions, toothpaste, and brushes. If camping is not your thing, especially if the trip includes driving in locations with wild animals, you need to factor in the cost of getting a hotel along the way as part of your budgeting plan. Check ahead of your trip with a motel along the route you’ll be traveling.

You can pay a booking fee ahead, but only after they assure you of refunds if you change your mind. If your road trip involves crossing through a highly populated area like a big city, expect to pay more for hotel services than heading out to rural locations. During a road trip, there may be long stretches between your destinations, and you may decide to take naps along the way.

A nap is refreshing when you sleep undisturbed with no light seeping into your sleeping area. Include an extra backing of blackout curtains on your packing list. They are very efficient in cutting off up to 99.9% of light, according to Nolah Mattress.

3. Carry Food

Snacking at the gas station shops during a road trip is not the best budgeting idea. Those shops are costly, so by all means, avoid them. Do this instead: prepare healthy meals, pack and bring them with you.

Homemade meals can include portions of protein and other nutrients to keep everyone healthy and rejuvenated. Besides, you’ll save a lot by bringing food. Pack healthy drinks into the cooler. Throw in enough water, then prepare some whole juices. Pack some yogurt, granola bars, hard-boiled eggs, muffins, and canned tuna. You’re all set now!

4. Drive Carefully

After all the budgeting and packing, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for! Get out with your fellow holidaymakers and have a memorable road trip. At this point, throw all your cares to the wind and concentrate on having a memorable time.

Your trip will likely take you to areas with lots of construction. Drive carefully in this area to avoid construction debris. You could also spot some concrete mixers along the way. According to House Grail, producing a ton of recycled concrete aggregate is 40% cheaper than manufacturing natural concrete aggregate. Be sure to watch for construction and try to avoid such routes to get to your destination faster.

Use these tips to plan the ideal cheap and fun road trip. Happy planning!

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