Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

The Huge List Of Business Expenses For Online Businesses

Business expenses are a very very confusing topic for many business owners.

What’s deductible?

What’s not?

If I buy this thing in my business will I get in trouble?

It’s even more confusing when you consider that social media influencers are paid to talk about business topics like they’re experts.

Just because you “have a business” doesn’t mean everything you spend money on will be legitimate business expenses.

That is what we’re going to go over here:

Legitimate business expenses for online businesses specifically such as:

  • Bloggers
  • Podcasters
  • Freelancers of all kinds
  • Coaches
  • Graphic/Website Designers
  • Course creators

Truth be told, even though I aim most of my content at the online folks, this info applies to all businesses.

So let’s get started at the very beginning.


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