Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

It’s More Frugal Living Friendly to Shop for a Car in the Fall

The great weather may have you in the mood to finally replace your old clunker but, if you can, resist the urge to buy now and wait until the fall or, for a really great deal, the winter.

You see, you’re not the only one that feels like spending money when the weather is nice and dealerships know this. With more people shopping for cars in the summer, dealerships can get away with charging more for their vehicles. By waiting even a couple of months, you could take advantage of dealership markdowns and sales, saving hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars.

So, take a little more time to shop around and wait until the weather is more conducive to big savings. Be patient, for frugal living’s sake.

*Photo from Flickr, courtesy of Peter Kaminski

SOURCE: Home – Read entire story here.