Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Lesser-Known Uses for Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

If you don’t already have some in your pantry, it’s time you purchased some of this frugal living friendly tea that can be used in a large number of different natural remedies. In weeks previous, we mentioned how red raspberry leaf tea is beneficial for women, especially during menstruation, pregnancy and birth. There are, however, a number of lesser-known uses for this tea in thrifty natural remedies:

To help heal a wound, wet red raspberry leaves and apply to the affected area as a poultice. The leaves will not only help reduce inflammation, but they will also help tighten the area, helping to close over the wound.

The tea is rich in absorbable calcium, making it a great tea to drink if you suffer from muscle cramps.

If you have a sore throat, this tea works well as an antiseptic and astringent. Simply gargle the cooled tea 2 to 3 times a day.

Red raspberry leaf tea is rich in vitamins A, E and C and is a great way to help boost the immune system. Feeling a little under the weather? Drink a few cups of this tea!

Just one tea can be used to heal in so many different ways. Buy some today and add it to your arsenal.

*Photo from Flickr, courtesy of chadao

SOURCE: Home – Read entire story here.