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A peek into our Summer Schedule

We got a free Frosty at Wendy's!

So, I skipped doing a Cleaning Project and Daily Plan yesterday because it was Memorial Day.

While we did our usual homeschooling and daily cleaning chores, we got done early so we could enjoy a fun outing to a movie with free tickets we’d been given from friends and then to hit up Wendy’s for a free Frosty. We’re all about Frugal Fun here. :)

Some of you have asked for more details about our summer schedule. So I thought I’d share a peek into what it looks like. Do remember that it changes a bit each day depending upon what’s going on that day, but the bones of the schedule usually stay the same.

5 Things You Should Do Every Single Day

Need some ideas for how to get started creating a daily routine? I encourage you to start very simply — with just a few things. Read my post on 5 Things You Should Do Every Single Day for a great starting point.

A Peek At Our Summer Schedule:

  • Me up/quick morning routine — I try to do this Morning Routine here.
  • Blogging/business work — usually for 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Kid’s up — baths/dressed
  • Breakfast — I usually start in with our Bible and memory work while they finish eating breakfast.
  • Morning homeschool time — we’re doing Sonlight Core D so our together time usually takes around 1.5 hours.
  • Reading time — we all sit on the couches in the living room and read our own books quietly for 20 minutes or so.
  • Morning chores — This consists of: Rooms clean, beds made, trashes emptied, house picked up, bathrooms quick-cleaned, floors swept, and laundry started.
  • Kid’s work on independent work while I work on laundry + extra cleaning projects (Today’s project: declutter 2 rooms)
  • Me — quick run/shower, if I didn’t get it in before the kids got up.
  • Lunch/Latin
  • Jesse take over with the kids’ school/activities/dinner prep while I spend the afternoon on blogging & business work — our kids have activities almost every afternoon (swimming/figuring-skating, etc. and Jesse’s in charge of those).
  • Dinner/family time — 6:30ish
  • Quick house pick-up/finish laundry — I try to do this Evening Routine here. — 7:15ish
  • Kids to bed — 7:30 to 8 p.m. — the girls usually read/listen to audiobooks for awhile before going to sleep.
  • Time with Jesse/read
  • To bed by 10:30 p.m.

Later today, I’ll share a post about how our day went and give you an update (with pictures) on how our day went and my progress on decluttering to give you a real-life peek into a day in our life.

If you have a routine that you follow at your house, I’d love to hear more about what that looks like. If you’ve blogged about it, I’d love to have you leave a comment with your link.

SOURCE: Money Saving Mom – Read entire story here.