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5 Essential Oils That You Should Have On-Hand!

5 Young Living Essential Oils That You Should Have on Hand

There are hundreds of different essential oils in use today. I believe that Young Living makes some of the best essential oils on the market (which is why I have a special offer for you to get started with Young Living) . Out of all of them, there are five Young Living essential oils that you should have on hand.

Frankincense Essential Oil

One of the oldest used essential oils in Frankincense. It has been used to decrease stress levels, increase mood and awareness, and to help get grounded and centered. Add it to a natural carrier oil and then apply it to the bottom of your feet for immediate relief from stress, anxiety, and nervousness.

Lavender Essential Oil

One of the most commonly used essential oils is lavender, and for good reason! Lavender has so many different uses that it is quite robust and versatile. Not only is it used to relieve stress and for deep relaxation, but it can also help with calming down nerves. Other amazing properties of Lavender Essential oil include healing dry skin, minor cuts and burns, bruises, and minimizes scar tissue.

Getting Started With Essential Oils and Where To Buy Them

Lemon Essential Oil

The scent of Lemon Essential Oil can help you get out of a funk and get rid of negativity. Not only that, but add a few drops to a small spray bottle filled with water and just watch what it can do with that mess in the kitchen. It can remove grease spots in clothes, gum, oil stains, and sanitizes.  For more uses, check out my Start Your Day Energized With These Oils post as well as 23 Ways to Use Lemon Essential Oil!

Peppermint Essential Oil

When you have an upset stomach, add a drop of Peppermint Essential Oil to 24 ounces of water. It has long been used as a digestive aid and help rid toxins out of the body. Breathing in Peppermint Essential Oil helps the brain in concentration and for mental clarity as well. It can also be used as an appetite suppressant as it triggers the brain into thinking it is full.  Need More uses?  Hop on over to read 10 Uses for Peppermint Oil!

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

When anger and tension fills a room, diffuse Ylang Ylang Essential Oil to get rid of that negative energy. The soft scent of Ylang Ylang also brings forth romantic and sensual thoughts and feelings. Add it to coconut oil and massage it into the face to smooth out wrinkles and it also helps to heal acne and skin blemishes.

YL Oils Transition

Not using oils yet? Find out more about Essential Oils on my Getting Started With Essential Oils post and be sure to check back as I share more awesome uses for the Essential Oils that are included in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit! Don’t forget that you can get a free Essential Oils Reference Book when you purchase a Premium Starter Kit!

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on this website. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

SOURCE: Moms Need To Know ™ – Read entire story here.