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Nielsen Homescan Consumer Panel Taking Applications!

10245 200x200  Nielsen Homescan Consumer Panel Taking Applications!

  Nielsen Homescan Consumer Panel Taking Applications!

Good new! The Nielsen Homescan Consumer Panel is now accepting new applications! Head over and sign up today – you could be accepted based on your zip code. Even if they don’t have any openings in your area, you might still be put on a waiting list and be accepted later.

The Nielsen Homescan Consumer Panel is a “mini-U.S.A.”, representing millions of Americans. By scanning the bar codes on your purchases and completing fun surveys, you can make your opinions count in the consumer marketplace. Nielsen will send you a scanner to scan your products and in turn you received valuable gift points that are redeemable for electronics, household items, jewelry, toys and lots more!

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SOURCE: Common Sense with Money – Read entire story here.