Credit Score & Credit Repair

Nerds Behind Credit Karma: Riley

Nerds Behind Credit Karma: Riley

Hey there! It’s time for another edition of Nerds Behind Credit Karma. Last month, we introduced you to Dan, one of our cool Senior Software Engineers in Test. Today, you get to meet Riley, one of our awesome Senior Software Engineers!

Riley plays intramural volleyball on the weekends. He started playing last year and was horrible: he couldn’t spike and kept hitting the ceiling. However, by the end of the season, his team made it to championships, where during the last game, every single person got injured. They still won, and are hoping to do as well in their championship this season, but with less battle scars. Find out more fun facts about Riley below.

The Interview

What’s your title at Credit Karma?
Senior Software Engineer

Describe in 25 words or less what you do.
I build tools that monitor your finances including the services that communicate with the bureaus to make sure you get your report and score.

How long have you worked at CK?
Almost 1.5 years.

What’s your favorite thing about working at CK?
I love how motivated and passionate all the people are.

What’s your favorite snack in the CK kitchen?
The elusive green onion SunChips…I miss them.

What is something your coworkers probably don’t know about you?
I detest chocolate, so my favorite people are the ones that bring back non-chocolate treats.

What was your worst subject in elementary school?
Reading. It always put me to sleep—a curse I inherited from my Dad that still haunts me today.

What’s a secret (or not-so-secret) talent you have?
I’m really flexible as many pointed out to me after my “Most Unusual Place You Can Check Your Credit Score” photo. 17 years of yoga keeps me limber.

If you could pick any superhero power, what would it be and why?
I would love the ability to teleport. It would save me so much money not using Uber.

What’s your best credit/money tip?
If you leave the country, be sure to open a credit card or two so you still have credit when you come back. Learned that one the hard way. Thanks, Canada.

Want to meet more members of the Credit Karma team?

Meet Ezra, Jonathan, Cathy, Greg, Danielle, Jason, Andrew, Ian, Juan, Igor, Alex, Henry, Hok, Helen, Dan, Keith, Chris, Elaine, Rob, Ishan, Travis, Riley, Chelsea, Musab, Pedro, Sean Katrina, Kyle, Thomas, Alex, Priya, and Dan!

Interested in joining our team? Check out all of our open positions!

Please send all chocolate treats my way, Riley!
-Nazhat, CK Contributor

SOURCE: Credit and Personal Finance Blog – Read entire story here.