Credit Score & Credit Repair

Nerds Behind Credit Karma: Craig

Nerds Behind Credit Karma: Craig

Hey folks! It’s time for another edition of Nerds Behind Credit Karma. Last month, we introduced you to Riley, one of our awesome Senior Software Engineers. Today, you get to meet another Senior Software Engineer on the team: Craig!

When Craig was very young, he was super shy, which meant that he could tell you the color your shoes were before he could tell you what color your eyes were. Find out more about Craig below!

The Interview

What’s your title at Credit Karma?
Senior Software Engineer

Describe in 25 words or less what you do.
I help build the back-end systems used by our data analytics team so our users have an amazing experience. (Words to spare, yeah!)

How long have you worked at CK?
I’ve been at Credit Karma for about two years.

What’s your favorite thing about working at CK?
I get to work with some pretty amazing and smart people, and I get a chance to tackle a variety of interesting problems with them. I learn something new every day.

What’s your favorite snack in the CK kitchen?
This changes constantly… It used to be yogurt and then it was roasted seaweed but my favorite will always remain Rip van Wafels.

What is something your coworkers probably don’t know about you?
Some of my co-workers found out that I used to be a flair bartender for close to 8 years prior to becoming an engineer. Sometimes people will catch me flipping a water bottle as I’m walking back to my workspace. Shh…don’t tell anyone!

What was your worst subject in elementary school?
Anything to do with History…I could never remember anything!

What’s a secret (or not-so-secret) talent you have?
I’ve been playing the guitar casually for 20 years.

If you could pick any superhero power, what would it be and why?
Time Travel. Then I could travel around and call myself “The Engineer.”

What’s your best credit/money tip?
The power of compound interest is a wonderful thing, so pay yourself first and make your money work for you.

Want to meet more members of the Credit Karma team?

Meet Ezra, Jonathan, Cathy, Greg, Danielle, Jason, Andrew, Ian, Juan, Igor, Alex, Henry, Hok, Helen, Dan, Keith, Chris, Elaine, Rob, Ishan, Travis, Riley, Chelsea, Musab, Pedro, Sean Katrina, Kyle, Thomas, Alex, Priya, Dan, and Riley!

Interested in joining our team? Check out all of our open positions!

From now on, eyes before shoes, Craig!
-Nazhat, CK Contributor

SOURCE: Credit and Personal Finance Blog – Read entire story here.