Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

There Are No Better Words Than “Thank You!”

Happy Memorial Day 2015

Today is Monday, but it’s not a normal Monday. Today is Memorial Day. Yes, many workers get the day off, including me, but I feel we might forget about what this day is all about. No, Memorial Day is not about saving money on buying a new car or getting a new mattress. Yes, retailers pour it on during this weekend and weeks leading up to Memorial Day. Many see this day as one to enjoy a day off and save 50{6fac3e6a3582a964f494389deded51e5db8d7156c3a7415ff659d1ae7a1be33e} on their next purchase at a big store. Sales are rampant, but let’s remember today is to thank those who gave their lives for what we have. Memorial Day is to celebrate the lives of those who died serving in the US military. So, today, all I want to say is “thank you!

Memorial Day is not to be confused with Veteran’s Day, which celebrates all those in the military, past and present.  This is to celebrate the lives of those who were killed protecting this great nation of ours. We forget all of the luxuries we have in this country. Hell, I get to make money online doing things I love. I have the freedom to say what I want, when I want to. There are many others who have no such luxuries. I know I’m guilty of not remembering all the good things at my disposal. We sometimes hate the government for this or that, but we are one of the most prosperous nations in the world.

Yes, there are people who might be down on their luck or struggling to survive in this great country, but we’re not perfect by any means. That doesn’t mean there aren’t ample opportunities to do something here. That’s why we see so many trying to immigrate here. We are the land of opportunity and it’s very true.These opportunities were fought hard to gain and keep. They didn’t just drop in our lap and we thanked someone for them. We fought and killed for what we have. We have also lost countless lives in the process.

So, while we’re out there grilling the all-american meal with burgers and hot dogs, take a moment to remember all of those who put their lives on the line for us and made the ultimate sacrifice for what we have. I know I feel lucky each and every day for what I’ve been given and I won’t ever forget it. Yes, it may not be in the front of my mind each and every day, but it should be. Those who lost their lives protecting our liberties should be given more than one day a year. They deserve much more than that. Today, I’ll be remembering the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who were lost making this country what it is.

Happy Memorial Day!

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