Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

7 Steps to Your Cookie Dough Fundraising Success

When thinking of a fund raising event, selling cookie dough can prove to be one of the most cost-effective ways to do raise money. There are several distinct differences between a cookie sale and a cookie dough fundraiser. Most significant is that there are more participants to cookie dough sales. It is easier for a lot of people boys, girls, pre-teens, teens and adults to sell cookie dough. For another, It is easier to sell a lot of cookie dough, than just plain cookies. There is also the merchandise to consider: it lasts longer in the freezer, compared to cookies, in addition, it is more economical to buy cookie dough rather than baked cookies.


Choose the right cookie dough maker

Getting the right supplier is a big help, whether it is in the earlier stage, or assistance in selling the cookie dough, or even in understanding the business end of the fund raising.

Initial Planning

A cookie dough fundraiser is basically a sales campaign, where the profits go to the organizing group’s planned activities or expenses. This could be team uniforms, or expenses for a trip to a state or national competition. In order to run a cookie dough fundraiser, the organizer has to get in touch with a cookie dough manufacturer. A deal is arrived at where the organizing group will sell cookie dough which the manufacturer will supply. The supplier gets paid for the merchandise at the same time they also give technical assistance in running the campaign.

Sales Monitoring

As with any venture, there should be a thorough and well-thought out plan. During the campaign itself, there should be constant monitoring of the sales by individual members. The sales monitoring can help simplify the record-keeping of the cookie dough campaign, as well as follow up on members who have not been able to sell as much as the leaders. There can also be some sales competition among the members of the team. This can help motivate the members into selling more. During the last stages of the campaign, a close out plan can also be implemented to ensure that every order has been accounted for, and the orders have been delivered.

Potential Income for Cookie Dough Fundraising

With the right supplier, the organizers can choose several options, or packages. This would depend on the amount of money the group would want to have as a goal. In addition, the organizers would have to pay for the transportation of the merchandise.

A high profit cookie dough fundraiser can yield as much as 60{6fac3e6a3582a964f494389deded51e5db8d7156c3a7415ff659d1ae7a1be33e} profits. This is a high level and there are warnings or guidelines before the organizers can consider this option. The cookie dough packages usually become cheaper with large volume orders. The shipment cost usually stabilizes to a flat rate after a certain level. It is up to the organizers if they want to aim for their goal, or an even higher goal. But with cookie dough campaigns, there are ways to increase sales, or to upsell the cookie dough.

Help from the Supplier How to Do It

With a well managed plan, and constant monitoring, there should be no problem in setting up shop and selling advance orders to passersby. The sales people can also sell according to seasons. These could be anything like Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year, and other seasons which can help increase sales.

Cookie Flavors

In order to cater to a lot more people, you can sell different flavors as well. Although chocolate chip cookies might be popular, it is also a good idea to sell other flavors like Chewy Macadamia cookies. You might have to experiment with what the customers might like to buy.

Make Your Cookie Dough Fundraiser Unique

It is not easy to sell anything for fund raising. To have a better campaign, the team can come up with something creative and unique. This can be a big help in meeting the group’s goals. The campaign can use unique cookie flavors, or it can have special offers for large orders.

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SOURCE: Getting Money Wise – Read entire story here.