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5 Inspiring, REAL Rags to Riches Stories – ShoeMoney

Young African family dealing financial issues. Serious woman sitting in front of open laptop computer, looking through bills while her husband in spectacles making calculations on calculator

2020, a year to forget for sure!

For many, they have had to endure economic hardships among other difficulties. If this applies to you, remember that sometimes only a spark is needed to start a fire that could lead to success.

For this reason. real rags to riches stories are important to hear.

They give a sense of optimism that all can benefit from. If you are in need of some inspiration read on to learn from people who turned negative into positive in the fullest sense.

Do Won Chang

Arriving in America with nothing more than a burning desire to attain “The American Dream” Do Won Chang along and his wife Jin Sook arrived in the US in 1984. With no money and a basic grasp of the English language, it would be easy to write them off. But Do Won’s drive made sure that their lives would become one of many real rags to riches stories. 

Working in numerous coffee shops, pumping gas, and as a janitor, he was able to save  $11,000. They used this to open Fashion 21 in Highland Springs in 1984, what we know today as Forever 21.

The couple is estimated to be worth $800 million each today. 

Ursula Burns 

The Lower East Side of Manhatten may be viewed as an up and coming part of New York, but it wasn’t always the case. For this reason, the rise from poverty of Ursula Burns is ever more admirable. 

The mantra instilled in her from her hard-working single mother was “This is where you’re going to grow up, but this is not what defines you”. She lived up to those words, excelling in her education and eventually finding herself as an intern at Xerox. 

She rose through the ranks, becoming the CEO in 2009 marking many historical landmarks along the way as an African American woman.

Amancio Ortega 

Amancio Ortega is more than likely the richest man you have never heard of.

His family was severely affected by the Spanish Civil War growing up. At one point, his mother was refused credit by the local grocer’s and the shame experienced there drove young Amancio to ensure his family’s financial security long into the future. 

He started to work at 14 and the skills he learned at the short makers, served him well as he went on to found Zara in 1975. This notoriously private and humble businessman is now estimated to be worth $68.5 billion dollars.  

Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison’s life has one of those real rags to riches stories more akin to a Dickens novel than reality.

An adopted child, he is quoted as saying “I have had all of the disadvantages required for success.”

His detached adoptive father said he was “good for nothing” and this seemed to be the case, as he dropped out of university twice. He taught himself programming, starting on a journey that would lead him to start Oracle.

He currently sits on a net worth of $88 Billion.

He, as have others in tech, needed to outsource to attain this wealth. Using companies like Oly Tech Guys is a great option for any up-and-coming business.

Oprah Winfrey 

Oprah’s rise to daytime TV darling and media mogul is all the more impressive when you realize the adversity she endured to get there.

A gifted child, after living with her grandmother she was reunited with her mother at 6 in the worst of environments. She endured various forms of abuse and poverty yet starting with a humble job at a radio station became a cultural behemoth worth reportedly $2.8 billion.

Use Real Rags to Riches Stories Today

So which one of the real rags to riches stories was your favorite?

As you can see, a lack of opportunities or a troubled background is no guarantee to a life of mediocrity. Hopefully, these people can help you on your way to making it big!

Check out our other content for more motivation in the business world. 

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