Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

3 Reasons Instacart Grocery Delivery Service Is A Big No-Go For Me

This is not an Instacart review. My opinions and experiences are solely based on my situation.

I’m self-employed and set my own hours.

I work from home and don’t have kids.

Publix Supermarket is a 3-minute drive from me.

Well, that does it…

I shouldn’t need to use Instacart unless I’m lazy, right!?

Just like everyone should stop paying for cable television.

And quit drinking lattes.

I mean, that’s what “money/social experts” seem to think.

But there’s much more to it than just that.

I do have friends, many of whom have kids.

I hear all of the adventures of “dragging them along everyplace” (their words, not mine!).

I hear the wishes of “It would be great to have X brought to me”.

I totally get it!

Hell, I’d love to have someone bring me 5 cases of bottled water and other supplies, especially when building my emergency preparedness kit.

I still can’t bring myself to use this grocery delivery service, not because I’m cheap, but for other reasons…

Instacart grocery delivery service

Home Grocery Delivery Service

Never go off of what one person’s experience is–try Instacart and see for yourself if it’s a service that benefits you & makes life easier!

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