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2024 Free Fishing Days By State

Each year the Department of Natural Resources designates certain dates as FREE fishing days!

These are days when you can legally fish without purchasing a fishing license first.

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Free Fishing Days

This year Michigan has chosen Febuary 17-18 and June 8-9, 2024 to be our FREE Fishing weekends.

You can see all of the states and their specific dates included in this year’s Free Fishing Days, so you can plan when you can take your family fishing free this year.

A father teaching his son fishing on the side of a lake.

Best Fishing Days

This is a wonderful way to introduce your children to the love of fishing and a great frugal summer fun activity.

My husband and kids have spent many hours together fishing and creating memories that will last long into adulthood.

Orange slices in mouth of family members.

Each year, it seems that televisions are bigger, computers get smaller and portable devices become more complex.

But in the great outdoors, it’s what stays the same that matters.

Surveys from various sources point to the same conclusions:

Regardless of what else may change, recreational fishing continues to contribute significantly to the U.S. economy, enhance peoples’ quality of life and preserve the country’s natural beauty.

The most recent data available on outdoor recreation show just how important this activity is.

Two children learning how to fish together at the side of a small river.

Source: 2015 Special Report on Fishing

  • 46 million Americans participated in fishing in 2014 (15.8% of the U.S. population ages 6 and older).
  • 47% of first-time fishing participants are female.
  • Fishing is the second most popular outdoor activity among adults.
  • More than 85% of adult anglers fished as a child, before the age of 12.
  • Nearly 83% of fishing trips involve more than one person.
  • Almost 4.3 million youth would like to try fishing.
  • 81% of fishing trips are spontaneous or planned within a week of the trip.
  • 80% of participants reported catching a fish during their last fishing trip.
  • Freshwater fishing remains the most popular type of fishing with more than three times the number of participants (almost 38 million people) as saltwater fishing.
  • Hispanic fishing participants average 25.8 days on the water; over six days more than the average for all fishing participants (19.4 days).
A group of people standing next to a body of water.  To The Dad I Never Knew I Needed

Also, I do suggest that you check your state’s Department of Natural Resources to verify the dates, and make sure there aren’t any additional stipulations.

This is a great activity to add to your Summer Bucket List!

summer bucket list printable image

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